Italian Porkchops

“Pork: The Other White Meat.”  Actually I just read that the pork people are changing their slogan to “Pork: Be Inspired.” ….Interesting! And it’s certainly new and different!
However you say it, I always love a good porkchop!  And we love them grilled or baked, but I find they are usually most tender when I cook them on the stove top.  And I like to try a lot of different recipes and seasonings on them, but today I’m sharing one of our favorites.  Hope you enjoy! 
Recipe for Italian Pork Chops:
4-6 boneless porkchops
3/4 to 1 cup Italian Dressing
Lemon Pepper, to season
cooking spray
Directions: For a fast, last minute meal, spray a large frying pan with non stick cooking spray.  Then pour Italian dressing in to a bowl.  Dip porkchop in the dressing, then flip over and dip the other side. Place in pan. Repeat until all chops are dipped. Season with lemon pepper. Cook on medium heat until porkchops are cooked all the way through.
If you have more time before dinner, place porkchops and dressing in  a bowl. Make sure each chop is coated well.  Cover and refrigerate for a couple of hours before cooking.

I’m linking up here.



  1. Mmm, that looks delicious!! Jotted this recipe down in my book to try later. 🙂

  2. BigBearswife says

    I've cooked chicken in Italian dressing before but not pork chops… humm I'll have to try this.. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Kassi @ Truly Lovely says

    Oh yumm!!! I love italian dressing recipes!!! Especially ones you can do quick and easy! Thanks for sharing Jerry!

  4. Angie @ 221vision says

    YUM!!! We eat these a few times a week because they are lean meat and good for you. However we only grill them and eating it the same way is getting pretty old! LOL! Thanks so much for this recipe. I need to change it up a bit and can't wait to try this!

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