Chats – I hope some of you will come by for the chats. To participate, just go to the Shelf Reliance Chat Room, and enter the name you wish to go by. Right now we’re planning to do three 30 minute sessions, one on each day, and to make it convenient for everyone to attend, we’ll have a morning, afternoon, and evening session. At the chats you’ll have a chance to ask Misty some questions, and we’ll also have some games for the $100 prize.
I’ll be posting chat times and more details on what you’ve got to do to qualify for the prizes in the next few days. If you have any questions about the chat or the party, feel free to send me an email.
I’d totally appreciate it if you would grab my party button, and also help me spread the word on Twitter and Facebook! Thanks a bunch!

Now let’s check out this week’s features!
Jerri ~ thank you so much for the feature this week…so sweet! I am enjoying you hosting the linky party…I know it is a lot of work. Blessings, K
Hi Jerri, Thank you so much for graciously featuring me! I am both excited & honored, as I am a relatively new blogger & this is my first ever feature! Thanks again! Shae
I shared my delicious Banana Coconut Cream Dessert with a video and two articles that I hope you enjoy!
Thanks for hosting!
Thank you for hosting. I’m a follower, and this hop is found on a page on my site that lists more than 200 hops, memes, and photo challenges… some for each day of the week. Check under the header for the link to that page. I’ve also just started a BlogFrog community that focuses on hops, carnivals, memes, and photo challenges. Go to http://theblogfrog.com/1504201 to visit & participate.
I hope you’ll visit me soon. I follow back!
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting, enjoy the long weekend!
Jerri, thank you again for hostessing!
Thanks for hosting.Your linky is already a weekly habit.I brought my Caldereta
Thank you so much again for hosting. Have a great week!