Crock Pot Chicken Cordon Bleu

Hey everyone.  This week’s recipe didn’t really photograph well, but I promise you, it is tasty!  I originally got this recipe from another blogger.  I believe it was a Friday Favorites link up.  I had the link saved on my computer, but the lightning killed it a couple of weeks ago, so all my favorite links are gone! So if you posted a recipe similar to this, let me know, and I’ll credit you!
Anyway, the original recipe actually had honey mustard in it, but I used ranch here because we had some on hand.  I also used Swiss AND American cheese.  And the reason the ham looks funny is because I used some leftover ham pieces that I had frozen from Christmas!  Talk about delicious!  But I’m sure deli slices would great with this as well!
(Psst….come back later this week for a Publix Giveaway!)

Recipe for Crock Pot Chicken Cordon Bleu

4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
4 slices American Cheese
8 slices Swiss cheese
2-4 slices of ham per piece of chicken (depending on what kind of ham you’re using and how much you want)
1/2 cup water
1 1/2 cups ranch dressing
cooking spray
Directions: Spray crockpot with cooking spray.  Add water and about half of the ranch dressing.  Add chicken.  Place about half of the cheese slices on top of the chicken.  Top with remaining dressing.  Cover and cook. (Cook times will vary. Mine will cook chicken breasts in about 1 to 1 1/2 hours, but if you have an older one, it may be longer.)  About 30 minutes before cooking is complete, add your ham, and top the chicken with remaining cheese slices. Serve and enjoy!

Here’s the chicken before the ham was added:

Just before serving:

Linking up at these parties.



  1. Leah @ Beyer Beware says

    Yum! Lots of cheese, just what we love! Come on over and link up to Hunk of Meat Monday!

  2. shopannies says

    love it another great crock pot recipe thanks for sharing

  3. This sounds really good, Jerri.

  4. LOL, definitely not the prettiest meal, but it sounds great!

  5. My Captivating Images says

    Ok, this is no fair! Chicken Cordon Bleu is my weakness!!! 🙂 This looks and sounds sooooo yummy!!! I am definitely going to have to try it!

  6. I would be that the chicken was so tender….looks yummy!

  7. Tina @ MOMS CRAZY COOKING says

    WOW, this looks delicious! I think I may just have to make it sooN!

    Thanks for linking up to THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS (but the theme this week is Hamburger Meat… and it ends today) We'd love for you to come BACK and link up a hamburger meat recipe! Thanks a million!

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