Valentine Cupcake Decor

Being on a budget, when it comes time to decorate for a holiday or change up our everyday home decor, I often find myself using things that I already have in new ways.
This year for Valentine’s Day I created this cute display for the kitchen counter.

The display includes 2 Valentine’s Day mugs and 2 wine glass, both filled with pink and green Christmas balls.  And in the center I have my Valentine cupcake plate that my husband got me at Hobby Lobby a couple of years ago.  In front of that I have three cupcake ornaments that I got this Christmas.  And in the very front, I just used some Valentine’s Day napkins to add a border and some extra color to the display.

Got any cheap decor ideas for Valentine’s Day? 

Do you like to use old things in new ways for your decor? 

I’m linking this post up to these linky parties.



  1. This is a very cute idea. I love it!

  2. That's such a cute display, I really like it……looks like a very nice vignette.. You had a good idea. I still haven't thought about Valentine's day decor yet, but may be this weekend. Thanks for sharing your inspirational idea.

  3. Just One More Thing says

    That looks great –you are so creative!! The cupcakes ornaments are adorable and your husband bought you a valentine's plate — awwwwww:)

  4. I do like to use old decorations and try a new display with them.

    I love your Valentine's corner. Very very cute.

  5. I am always looking for ways to "reuse" the old for new holidays. I too am on a budget, being a homeschooling mom with three little ones, money can be tight…I have posted a few ideas, CHEAP and great over at my blog if you want to check it out!



  6. I enjoyed seeing your valentine vignette. So colorful–makes me smile.

    Congrats on your 1000th followers.

  7. How adorable!.., I love all things heart and Valentines!

    Great idea!.., Thanks so much for sharing!

    ..,Please do feel most welcome to also pop by to 'my little corner of blogland'. ~ We'll, 'share a nice fragrant, piping hot cup of tea or coffee'!

    Have a marvelous week!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee


    P.S. ~ I would like to also follow, yet I cannot seem to find where I may do so; perhpas you'll also kindly consider following me.

  8. A Simple Life... says

    LOVe those cupcake ornaments ♥ adorable!

  9. Cute vignette. Happy Valentine's Day! ~ Sarah

  10. Wow, awesome job on the vignette! Thank you for linking to Masterpiece Monday. Mary :O)

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