Friday Favorites


I just wanted to remind everyone who may come by today that I’m not a hosting a Friday Favorites Party this week!  Instead I invite you to link up to my Christmas Recipe Party.  The party will be open through the 22nd, and when you link up you’ll qualify for some great prizes!  Old and new posts are welcome, so get to linking up!
As for Friday Favorites, it will return next week, and I’ll be featuring some of the posts that were linked up here last week at that time.  Since it will be Christmas Eve, I don’t expect to get too many visitors, but I don’t want to skip 2 weeks in a row, so it will be here for anyone who wants to come by. 
Also, just as a heads up to everyone who was sweet enough to stop by today, I’ve got a really awesome Christmas giveaway coming next week!  It should be up on Monday or Tuesday if everything goes according to plan! And you’ll have a chance to win some great Baking Supplies for your kitchen worth over $100! Very exciting! 
Hope you have a lovely weekend!



  1. Stela James says

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