It’s An Ice Cream Social!

Don’t you just love the blogosphere? One minute you’re at a recipe party, and the next minute your at a craft party! And this weekend we can all go to an Ice Cream Social over at Kitchen Bouquet! With my husband on a no-dessert diet, and me busy with projects in the house this week, I didn’t get a chance to make anything, so I’ll be highlighting a few things that I found on some of my favorite sites instead!  Hope you enjoy!
Also, don’t forget we’ll be having Sweet Thursday here next week! Email your desserts to me by Tuesday if you’d like to be featured, or link up here on Thursday! Have a great weekend!

Coconut Ice Cream from Taste of Home
Easy Celebration Ice Cream Cake from Kraft
Berry Chocolae Ice Cream Loaf from Eagle Brand
S’mores Ice Cream Pie from Hershey’s
French Silk Ice Cream Roll from Betty Crocker


  1. These ice cream creations look wonderful!`

  2. OMGosh, everything looks soooo delish. Now I need to go cook something sweet Ü

  3. Great ideas to try! That Smore pie is calling my name 🙂 Thanks for joining in at the Ice Cream Social. It IS so cool how we can connect at so many different levels on the internet. I'll have to think about something to contribute to your Summer Desserts might be ice cream! lol

  4. The French Silk Ice Cream Roll had my mouth watering big time – do nee to check it out! They all look fantastic…

  5. Dishesdone says

    Great highlights, they all look so good!

  6. Jessica @ Saving Money Living Life says

    Thank you so much for visiting our blog!

    Wow, these look divine! I'm getting hungry just looking at the pictures. Looks like I'm going to be headed to the grocery store… 🙂

    Have a great week!

  7. Happier Than a Pig in Mud says

    I might have to try one of those ice cream rolls! We love jelly rolls, this would add a whole new dimension!

  8. SavoringTime in the Kitchen says

    Great links! I love coconut ice cream so I'm going to check out that recipe!

  9. ummm…beautiful desserts..

    I just signed up to follow…come by, follow me and maybe we'll meet in the middle..:))
    xo bj

  10. You found some absolutely beautiful creations. My favorite (by appearance) is the pink ice cream loaf with chocolate on top. Actually though I wouldn't turn down a slice of any of these! Thanks for sharing.
    Blessings, Beth

  11. Jacqueline says

    It was so fun to meet you at the ice cream social! Everything looks lovely and I am going to have to make an ice cream pie and put the Hershey chocolate as a garnish. That was way cool. I will be busy making more ice cream this week, help roll me out the door!

  12. Yes, there's no end to variety and fun in Blogland. My goodness! What sweet recipes to try as everything looks so yummy!

  13. I hope I remember your party Thursday!
    The treats all look wonderful!

  14. laurie @ bargain hunting says

    OOOO, these look so good, and so pretty too! That roll in the last photo is almost too pretty to cut into (ALMOST)! laurie

  15. I may have to give the smores pie a try!

  16. Great idea to share those treats. You picked good ones to share and I think the smores pie is calling my name too 🙂

  17. All these creations look enticing. Sometimes it's best just to look…no calories that way.

    Thank you for stopping by Artfully Graced today. Hope you like the fudge sauce.

  18. Oh my, where to start. I think I'll have to begin with that scrumptious chocolate ice cream roll. And coconut is a favorite here too.

  19. I am looking forward to seeing lots of yummy icecream recipes. We're having an icecream social mid-August that I am making all the desserts for since we don't have any kiddos right now to treat. 🙂

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