Poppy Seed Cake

If you wish to bake up a special surprise cake for Mom this year on Mother’s Day, here’s a new recipe to try.  I got this recipe from my good blog friend Charlene.  Charlene writes at Secrets of a Southern Kitchen, where she shares fabulous recipes & tips for Southern Cuisine.  Being a Southern girl myself, I always look forward to seeing what she’s whipping up each week! Be sure to go by and give her a shout!
Charlene usually makes this cake with a bundt or tube pan, but as you can tell from the pictures, I used a 9×13 pan (proving once again that I’m not good at following instructions—at least not in the kitchen!)  The cake turned out delicious, although I must admit Charlene’s cake looks much better than mine!  If you wish to see what the cake is supposed to look like, check it out at her place! 

Recipe for Poppy Seed Cake
1 box of Duncan Hines butter recipe golden cake mix
1 8oz container sour cream
1/2 c sugar
1/2 c cooking oil
4 eggs
3 T poppy seeds
powdered sugar
Directions:  Mix all ingredients but the poppy seeds, and beat for 2 minutes on low to medium speed. Mix poppy seeds into the batter. Pour into a greased or cooking-sprayed tube or bundt pan. Bake at 350 for about 50 minutes. If the top seems not quite done, turn off the oven and leave the cake in for about 5 more minutes. Watch for the edges to start pulling away from the pan.  Use a butter knife to loosen the cake from the pan, and remove from pan immediately. Dust with powdered sugar.


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  1. Debbi Smith says

    Yum cake! Sounds great with the poppyseeds!

  2. Nicole Feliciano says

    What a sweet way to celebrate Mother's Day–baking this lovely cake. Thanks for inspiring me.

  3. Joy @ Joy Of Desserts says

    Lovely cake for Mother's Day.

  4. sharonjo says

    I love poppy seed cake–and yours looks really good. I think I need to be a more adventurous cook. I would be too afraid to bake a cake in a pan other than what the recipe calls for, and yet obviously it worked great for you. And yes, Southern cooks are the best! (And I'm not even from the South!)

  5. This looks good – I love buttery poppy seed bread, why not a cake!

  6. Interesting! I've never heard of that. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

    Mom All Day

  7. Brittany says

    Oh goodness!! This would be heavenly with a little touch of lemon! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Charlene says

    Thanks for the link, Jerri! Glad you liked the cake. You can make this in two loaf pans, too, and I think I've even made cupcakes out of it once, so the pan really doesn't matter, except for the baking time–a smaller or flatter pan bakes more quickly.

    Thanks again!


  9. Sounds yummy!! 🙂

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