Ultimate Blog Party

Ultimate Blog Party 2010
It’s time for one of the biggest blog events of the year: The Ultimate Blog Party at 5 Minutes for Mom! This is my 3rd year to attend the party, and I can tell you that it is great fun! It’s a great chance find new blogs, to meet new bloggers, and promote your own blog. There’s even a chance to win prizes! (I’d love to win #3, 15, or 35 on US/Canada list….or #32, 36, 9, or 5 on the US list!)

Thanks for hoppin’ by Simply Sweet Home! My name is Jerri, and I try to make every day a party at my blog, sharing food, fun projects, crafts, home decor, household tips, and great giveaways with my guests!

I’ve been married for 3 years to a wonderful guy named Mark.  We don’t have any kids yet, but we have 2 little “cat children” that pretty much run our lives. 

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy my party post!

Before I share my blog with you, would you like a piece of Darn Good Chocolate Cake?  It’s my husband’s birthday this week, and he insists that it’s bad luck if you don’t have a piece!  So please take one…or two!

My Blog Events: I’d love for you to participate in my weekly event “Friday Favorites” or one of my other upcoming events!
Spring Gift Guide 2010 – In May I’ll be highlighting some products and businesses. For a guaranteed spot in my gift guide, become a sponsor of my blog. My prices are very low, and I offer a lot of extras with the ad space!


Friday FavoritesI host this weekly linky event. Stop by and link up your favorite post of the week from your blog. Each week I’ll feature bloggers who participate!

sweet Thursday

Sweet ThursdayThis is my monthly dessert carnival where everyone shares  a dessert that falls under a particular theme. To be featured in my post you can email a submission to me before the event, or you can stop by the day of the event and leave a link on Mcklinky. Next Event – Cupcakes & Muffins on May 27.


Holly Bloggy Christmas Bash –  Last year Simply Sweet Home and 4 other blogs hosted this week long Christmas linky event.  I’d love for you to come back for the 2nd annual HBCB.


Current Giveaways:

Ad Space Giveaway – In honor of the UBP, I’m giving away a month of ad space for free. This will be for a 125×125 ad, and since I know everyone does not have a shop, this can be advertising for blogs as well. Everyone who comments on my party post will go into the drawing, which I’ll do some time next week!

$100 Giftcard for Tea Collection – Win a $100 giftcard toward Children’s Clothing from Tea Collection.

$25 ecoStore USA Giveaway – Win a $25 giftcard toward products from ecoStore USA (household cleaning products, health & beauty, and petcare).

DairyMakesSense.com Prize Pack Featuring Cuisinart (upcoming)

Uprinting Rolled Canvas Giveaway (upcoming)

Connect with Me
-Stay connected with my blog by subscribing to my feedblitz mailing list or becoming a follower.  All followers and subscribers get extra entries in my giveaways and a heads up about special events and giveaways I’m having.
-You can also follow me on twitter @SimplySweetHome or become a fan on Facebook.
-Let me know that you’re following me, and I’ll come follow you too!
My Etsy Shop


I also have an etsy shop called Simply Sweet Creations where I sell jewelry and other items.  Check it out here: http://jhrivers.etsy.com/ And my jewelry blog is http://simplysweetcreationsblog.blogspot.com/.
10% off Sale – In honor of the UBP, I’m offering you a coupon code.  The coupon code is “5Minutes” and you can use it through April 13 at my shop to get 10% off your purchase.  To use this, just purchase an item from my shop, but instead of paying for it immediately, send me an email or convo message with the coupon code, and I’ll send you a revised invoice for the item for 10% off!

Thanks so much for partying with me at Simply Sweet Home!



  1. Very cute blog!! The cake made me very hungry! Maybe it's time for a late night snack!! =)

  2. You have such a cute blog! And that chocolate cake looks amazing! 🙂

  3. A Maui Blog says

    I saw your tweet and glad to be the fist to visit (or at least the first to comment)

    I am panicking right now because I still need to write my blog post for this party! Ekkkk, I better so that right now!

    A Maui Blog

  4. Hi! Visiting from UBP! Nice to meet you!

    Cats are really good practice for kids! 🙂 My hubby and I had two cat "girls" as our babies for the first three and a half years of marriage. (They're still around — older now, but still our "babies.") 🙂

    Happy blog partying!
    Megret 🙂

  5. Stopping by for the party. Thanks for the piece of cake.

  6. Nice to meet you! I'll have to take a small piece of cake, it would interfere with so many rules!

  7. Stopping by as part of the blog party! Have a great UBP 2010!

    Merry @ http://www.merrywithchildren.com

  8. Love your blog! That cake has made my mouth water 🙂 Have a happy party!

  9. Following along from the party! You cake is Yummmy!

  10. Tamona'sTips says

    Amazing blog, so happy I got to party with you!

  11. Tell your husband happy birthday from me. I'll have to get some cake soon. This is the first year for me here at the UBP but I'm having a good time meeting you all. See ya around.

  12. Cook Clean Craft says

    I've just held a dinner party, but I still want to eat a piece of that cake. Great looking blog – I think I'll spend some time here…

  13. Mommyof2girlz says

    Thanks for stopping by today it is great to meet you as well! Adorable blog and love your Etsy stores. The cake looks amazing..I am so hungry now..lol Have fun at the party 🙂

  14. Carol @ Pure Sugar says

    Your blog is adorable! It's great meeting you and I'll definitely check back!

  15. The Fifth Street Mama says

    Love your blog! Your layout is too cute! Nice to meet you and I may just link up my favorite post on Friday!

  16. Life Without Pink says

    You blog looks like so much fun! And thanks now I am craving chocolate cake! Stopping by for the party.

  17. The Scent Peddler says

    Hi Jerri:

    I'm hungry for cake now – what better way to enjoy a party. Stop by when you get a chance – http://www.thescentpeddler.ca/?p=133

    I'm following you on twitter and facebook – feel free to do the same.

    Have a scent-sational day!

  18. Stopping by from the Blog Party and wanted to say "hi"!

    Hope you have a GREAT weekend!

  19. Sephysmomma says

    Your blog is cool! Thanks for visiting mine. I hope that your hubby is having a great birthday week too! Hope you have a great UBP'10!

  20. Kimberly Job says

    Cute blog, and fun party. I'm now a follower and look forward to getting to know you.

  21. Krajcimama says

    Thanks for stopping by and Happy Ultimate Blog Part Week! (Happy Birthday to your DH, too!)

    I agree with all the previous posters – you have an adorable blog!

    Nice to meet you and hope you have an awesome weekend!

  22. Hello from UBP! You have a very fun & cute blog! Like everyone says, the cake looks yummy!! Have a great weekend 🙂

  23. Teri Lynne Underwood says

    Adorable blog … saw your tweet and began following immediately. Now fanned you on FB and looking forward to keeping up with your blog.

    Love for you to come visit me too!
    Teri Lynne

  24. I've made that chocolate cake and it is DARN GOOD! will be following you!

  25. Maria and Michelle says

    Cute blog! You have some great link ups that I'll have to look into more. I can't wait to read more as I look around! Stop by FTSN for a slice of peanut butter pie when you have a chance!


    ~ Michelle

  26. The Local Cook says

    Oooh, I love a good meme! I've added you to my reader. Enjoy the UBP!

  27. I just love the background to your blog. It's nice meeting you at the party.

  28. jskell911 says

    I am here from the party and have joined your FB fan page! BTW that cake looks delicious


  29. Still Blonde after all these YEARS says

    I just wanted to say Hi! I've never been to your blog before but I like your argyle. I am visiting all the people from the Ultimate BLog party that are on the "Not Family Friendly list!" Come and visit Still blonde after all these Years at http://www.stillblondeafteralltheseyears.com . We are giving away Some awesome frames from Ceiva valued at $248 in celebration of the Ultimate Blog Party! Also, at the Blog Party Prize Page, I am giving away a prize. A $450 Foot and Calf massager! Read about it here on my blog: http://www.stillblondeafteralltheseyears.com/2010/04/450-human-touch-foot-and-calf-massager.html.
    Simply Sweet Creations, I will post your linky on Simply Sweet Homes to my "Link your giveaway page" at http://www.stillblondeafteralltheseyears.com/p/list-your-giveaway-sunday.html. Please come visit and talk about your blog, either at my blog or my facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/stillblondeafteralltheseyears

  30. Kimberly says

    Thanks for comin' by my blog! I'm so all over that piece of cake you offered. Yum!!!

  31. I wish I could sew like you! I just added your Ahmelie shop to my Etsy faves!

  32. Happy UBP! Mmmm cake! No wait – Must stay sugar-free!!!



  33. Susieqtpies says

    Toot Toot the #UBP10 Party Train coming through!!!

    I love meeting new bloggers! I'm following you all the ways possible!

    Have a great party!

    @Susieqtpies at Scraps of Life http://cafescrapper-scrapsoflife.blogspot.com

  34. Wow! You are a busy girl! Just wait 'til you have kids!! 😉

    The chocolate cake looks delicious! Wish it wasn't "virtual"! ;0)

    Happy Partying!

  35. Blackberry Jam Cafe says

    Found you by way of your other blog – I'm now following both! Very cute.


  36. Stopping by for ubp, that chocolat cake looks amazing! I can't wait to try it! Thanks for sharing 🙂


  37. Came here from the blog party! I am sitting here at 10:30 at night and was already craving chocolate, so that cake isn't helping! Love the blog, very cute! I'll be following now 🙂

    Laura at ThriftyWifey.blogspot.com

  38. Sarah (Sare) says

    Very cute blog! You had me at "chocolate cake" :).

    Stopping by from UBP 2010. Hope you have a great weekend.

    Sarah @ http://www.fallingforbaby.blogspot.com

  39. Greetings, Stopping over from the UBP. So glad I did. I l.o.v.e. chocolate cake. I'll stop back soon for another piece. 🙂 Blessings, SusanD

  40. shopannies says

    Love your blog have been here many times love all the goodies you share hope you are enjoying the party I am as well

  41. Hi, Jerri, just noticed that you're doing the ubp10. I'm having some computer and internet problems so I'm getting to make it around to many sites this year, but definitely wanted to stop in and tell you hello!


  42. Margarita Ibbott says

    Love your website… it looks so yummy. Thanks for letting me know about the blog party from your twitter handle…

  43. Visiting for the party (and the chocolate cake of course) … and now following on Twitter too 🙂

    Twitter @aidenscross

  44. Thank you for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower. I am following you too. I can't wait to read more and participate in your fridays.

  45. Hi, Jerri! Dropping back by to say hi, again, and thank you for dropping by my blog!

    Will definitely drop back by for your Friday Favorites Party. Thanks for the invite! 😀

  46. Yeah! Glad to see you joined, too! Oh, my – that look looks to die for! YUM!

  47. Hi Jerri- So nice to meet you! What a cute place for me to hang out. I love cats and food too! Will be a follower as well. Come visit me too! Shonda @ Knowlton Nest (www.jsknowlton.blogspot.com)

  48. JamericanSpice says

    Ooh you have an Etsy shop! I gotta go visit.
    I'm visiting from the UBParty. It's nice to meet you 🙂

    Have a great week and enjoy the party hopping!


  49. Stephanie Manner Wagner says

    Hi! I'm Stephanie from "And Twins make 5! – A Mommy Blog". Just making the rounds via the UBP 2010, hope to see you around my blog too!


    Awesome looking cake!

  50. hello, nice to meet you. here for the ubp. wolfbayou@yahoo.com

  51. Shop with Me Mama says

    Nice to meet you, Jerri! Cute blog and yummy looking cake! Stop by my blog when you have the chance!

  52. Beautiful blog! You said you don't have kids yet, but it sounds like they are in your future. I think you would like our site http://www.powerofmoms.com
    Stop in sometime!

  53. Nikki@ Cheap Like a Birdie says

    So glad I came by, your blog looks so fun!
    I'm visiting from UBP, come visit me sometime. Cheap Like a Birdie

  54. That cake looks delish! You wrote one of the best party posts I've seen. 🙂 Easy to read, lots of info, and fun!

  55. Just stopping by from the UBP at Five Minutes for Mom. I can't believe it is the last day! You have a great site. I would love it if you visited my blog and left me a comment! I'm looking forward to reading more and getting to know you better.

    The Healthy Moms

  56. Pamela M. Kramer says

    Hey Winner!
    You need these numbers to complete the prize form on the prize page – http://www.5minutesformom.com/ultimate-blog-party-2010-prizes/

    USC 9
    76 Jerri

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