Friday Follow

Hi Friday Followers!  Welcome to Simply Sweet Home!
While you’re here, please link up at my  Friday Favorites party!  (Your post might get featured here next week if you do!) 
My blog is dedicated to sharing tips and ideas to help you make your home a Simply Sweet Home! Here you’ll find delicious recipes, craft projects, organizing & housekeeping tips, product reviews, giveaways, and more!  We also have a monthly dessert carnival called Sweet Thursday.  And there’s always other surprises just around the corner! 
I hope you’ll take a look around and decide to become a follower! And please leave me a comment, so I can come over and follow you!  I look forward to “meeting” you and seeing all your blogs!
Want to participate in Friday Follow? Here’s how it works:  Friday Follow is a celebration of Followers.  The event is hosted by One2Try,  Hearts Make Families, and Midday Escapades.  
To participate: Link up your blog name and URL using the MckLinky below. You only need to add your link on one blog to be seen on all the blog hops. Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots. Then follow as many blogs as you’d like. Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you’re from Friday Follow.  And follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow.  Sounds simple enough, huh?  Then let the party begin!

MckLinky Blog Hop


  1. Happy Friday. Following from last week..and stopped by to link up to Friday Favorites.
    504 Main

  2. Life Is A SandCastle says

    Thanks for stopping by, following you too.

  3. Lafe's Hidden Treasures says

    Great title and cute blog. I am a Friday Follower.

  4. Found you on FF. Now I'm following!

  5. Jami Balmet says

    I'm stopping by from Friday Follow!! I'm your newest follower.

    I can't wait to start reading your posts!

    Happy Friday

    Jami @Intentionally Living…

  6. bizzimommiofboyz says

    "Following you from Happy Follow Friday

  7. Found you on FF =) Your blog looks so cute and cozy! Can't wait to start reading your posts

  8. Hi =)

    I'm now following your blog from Friday Follows.

    I would love for you to come on by and check it out my blog 🙂 On the Brink de la Locura

    Much Luv,

  9. dustinnikki says

    Following you from Follow Friday!


  10. Hi! Found you on FF! Your blog is like a treasure chest! 🙂
    Hope you're having a wonderful weekend! 🙂


  11. Freely Living Life says

    I found you through "Friday Follow" and decided to follow your blog through Google Friend Connect. I look forward to reading more of your posts. Come and visit us when you get a chance! Happy Blog Hopping! <3

  12. itwasyoublog says

    Stopping by from Follow Friday!

  13. HeartsMakeFamilies says

    Hey just stopping by to say Hi from Friday Follow!

    Happy Follow Friday!


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