And this February Holey Donuts is offering us another sweet giveaway! This time one lucky winner will get Holey Donuts’ very special February Love Assortment consisting of 4 Boxes of Donuts! But that’s not all! The winner will also receive $250 in Holey Donuts store credits, which are good for an entire year!
This is a fabulous prize! Not only are these donuts incredibly delicious, but they are low in fat and calories too!
All you have to do to win is:
1.) Visit the Contact Page at Holey Donuts.
2.) Fill in your name & email address.
3.) And in the body of the message, mention Simply Sweet Home and something about the contest.
(*Please note: You must mention Simply Sweet Home in order for your entry to be properly counted.*)
Second Entry: After you’ve completed the Mandatory Contact Form Entry you can get a second entry in the contest by joining the Holey Donuts Facebook page.

Go over to Holey Donuts and fill out the form so you can win! And don’t forget to mention Simply Sweet Home in your entry!
(Oh, and please come back here after you enter!)
I’ll be linking up this post at
TMTT at Blessed with Grace
Tasty Tuesday at Beauty & Bedlam
Hey! I entered, joined the facebook page, and also put Simply Sweet Home in for the entry. 😀 Thanks for the giveaway!!
I entered–these look delicious, can't wait to try them if I win!
I entered the giveaway
mmmm yummmmm! I so entered both ways 🙂 My mouth is watering NOW!
I became a fan on Facebook and contacted them!
Thanks for the chance at stuffing my mouth with these great looking donuts! YUM!
I became a fan on Facebook and contacted them. Thanks for the chance to win!
Thanks…I joined Facebook and Contacted them!
I entered the giveaway!
ashenblue (at) cox (dot) net
Just filled out the form to enter! Thanks looks so yummy and makes me hungry!
I entered! They look like amazing donuts!
I entered. I would LOVE to win this!
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com
I entered!
They look yummy 🙂
I entered and also became a fan! I would love to win this and try these donuts! They look amazing! Thanks!
I entered the give away at Holey Donuts and I also joined the fan page on facebook! Yippee I would love to be the winner just in time for my little sweeties birthday! Also I am excited to be a part of the give aways of Simply Sweet Home through may! Yeah! 🙂
Hello this is Linell again I just posted to let you know I became a fan on facebook and entered the Holey Donuts give away and mentioned Simply Sweet Home. But I forgot to send you my email which is linell101@gmail.com Thanks so much! Look forward to the outcome! Hopefully I will be the lucky winner! 🙂
Just entered- I would love to try these YUMMY looking doughnuts 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway!
I entered-would love to win! wrestlermom2 at yahoo dot com
I am DROOLING over these donuts pics! I just sent a contact form entry and am a fan on FB! Thanks for the giveaway!!
I entered! And became a fan on facebook. I also totally love them for my real job, so I'm sharing with my editors.
Thanks for telling us about them! And for hosting the giveaway!
Hi! I entered my info over there. I would really love to win and try these doughnuts. They look so yummy! Thanks for a fantastic giveaway. 🙂
Please enter me…thanks.
I entered! My husband would be super excited if I win this!! Thanks for doing this great giveaway!!!
Bethany M
i entered, lowfat donuts? yummmmm!
I entered giveaway on the Holey Donut site. Thanks so much! I have never tried these before
I sent them the contact info with your name! 🙂 Thanks!
I am their facebook fan!
I entered my contact info and made sure to mention the Simply Sweet Home contest. Thanks!
What a yummy giveaway. I put Simply Sweet Home in the entry and also joined the Facebook page.
YUMMY! I wrote a comment on their contact page about Simply Sweet Home.
Oh those doughnuts. They are a work of art and I can just imagine myself eating all of them as I watch the olympics. I COULD eat them all by myself. Thanks for the great giveaway. I will be posting a giveaway pretty soon so check back.
Hi! I entered the contact form with your information and joined the Facebook Fan page! What a great company and a great contest – thanks for the opportunity!