This Thursday, February 18, all cinnamon bun products are on sale for 50% off.
And all other assortments are on sale for just $5.99! (They regularly go for $11.95-$18.95!)
What an awesome deal! No coupon codes are needed. Just go by on Feb 18, and place your orders (limit of 5 assortments per customer).
Big Giveaway This Month –
Don’t forget to enter our Holey Donut Giveaway! The giveaway is going on through the end of February. The winner will recieve the special February Love Assortment (which includes 4 boxes of donuts). Plus you will recieve a $250 credit! The credit can be redeemed at the Holey Donuts website for an entire year! Here’s how you enter:
1.) Visit the Contact Page at Holey Donuts.
2.) Fill in your name & email address.
3.) And in the body of the message, mention Simply Sweet Home and something about the contest.
(*Please note: You must mention Simply Sweet Home in order for your entry to be properly counted.*)
Second Entry: After you’ve completed the Mandatory Contact Form Entry you can get a second entry in the contest by joining the Holey Donuts Facebook page.
Bonus Entry: Also, if you’d like to be eligible for additional entries in all other Simply Sweet Home giveaways through the end of May, just leave me a comment to let me know that you entered! This is my way of saying thanks to all of you who participate!
Now I’m sure you’re all wondering which assortments I’d order at this week’s sale (or with a $250 credit!). Well, I’m glad you asked! Here are just a few of the incredibly yummy (& did I mention low fat?) donuts that I’d love to purchase!
You're a SWEETHEART!!! and I have an award for you come by and visit so you can receive it.