New: I Was Featured Button!


After seeing so many sites with “I Was Featured” buttons, I finally decided to put up one of my own. Feel free to grab one if you’ve ever been featured for Sweet Thursday, Holly Bloggy Christmas Bash, or one of my other posts.

And as always, I welcome you to grab the “regular” Simply Sweet home button, as well as my shop button and the Sweet Thursday button. To show my appreciation to you for helping me advertise my blog, everyone who has my button gets extra entries in all of my blog giveaways.

Also, if you’d like to do a button exchange, I’m willing to do a few of these at this time. Just send me an email or leave a comment.



  1. Its So Very Cheri says

    I don't think I have ever been featured but I would Love to be.

    I entered your give-a-way and I have one too.


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