Friday Follow

Hi Friday Followers!  Welcome to Simply Sweet Home! While you’re here, please consider linking up at my very first Friday Favorites event!  My blog is dedicated to sharing tips and ideas to help you make your home a Simply Sweet Home! Here you’ll find delicious recipes, craft projects, organizing & housekeeping tips, product reviews, giveaways, and more!  I also have a monthly dessert event called Sweet Thursday.  I hope you’ll take a look around and decide to become a follower! And please leave me a comment, so I can come over and follow you!  I look forward to “meeting” you and seeing all your blogs!
Want to participate in Friday Follow? Here’s how it works:  Friday Follow is a celebration of Followers.  The event is hosted by One2Try,  Hearts Make Families, and Midday Escapades.  
To participate: Link up your blog name and URL using the MckLinky below. You only need to add your link on one blog to be seen on all the blog hops. Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots. Then follow as many blogs as you’d like. Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you’re from Friday Follow.  And follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow.  Sounds simple enough, huh?  Then let the party begin!

MckLinky Blog Hop


  1. Night Owl Mama says

    Linked up and now following happy Friday I'm #76 on the hop list

  2. Dimes2Vines says

    Happy Fri Follows – I'm a new follower! Love to have you stop by:

  3. I found your great blog from Follow Friday Blog hop. Now following!

  4. I am following you from Friday Follow. I hope you make it over and follow me too. Have a great weekend! Your blog looks great!

  5. Snow White's Blog Shop! says

    Following you back from Friday Follow!

    Cathy ♥ Snow White's Blog Shop!

  6. Coupon Clippin' Mommy says
  7. Hey! Found you over at Friday Follow so I thought I'd stop by your blog and say hello. Feel free to follow me at any of my blogs:

    My family blog-
    My FREE custom blog designs blog-
    My photography blog-

    Happy Friday!! 🙂

  8. Alison/Alison's Book Marks says

    This is my first Friday Follow! I am #301 (holy cow…301??)

  9. Happy Friday! Thank Goodness it's almost the weekend, huh? I'm here from Friday Follow, and I'm your newest follower!

    I'd love if you's check out my blog too!


  10. New follower via Friday Follow! Hope you can return the favor 🙂

  11. The Stanley Family says

    Happy Friday Follow! I'm your newest following friend. I'd love for you to drop by my blog sometime. While you're there, you can enter to win a 10×10 Photographic Print by Red Leaf Photography that is amazing!! I hope to see you around soon!!

  12. Vanillastrawberryspringfields says

    Im here from friday follow too :-))))))
    And ofcourse am following u now……and always

  13. Felissa Hadas says

    Stopping by with Friday Follow. Hope you had a fantastic week.


  14. I am Harriet says
  15. Midday Escapades says

    Thanks for linking up with Friday Follow! I am now your blog follower. Have a wonderful weekend and pleasure to meet ya.

    ~ Lynn

  16. Found you through Friday Follow. I am a new follower.

  17. sweetjeanette says

    Hey there! Stopping by on the Friday Follow and am following you now. Nice to meet ya…Come on over to my place and introduce yourself to me…pu-leeeeze?

  18. I'm your newest follower from Friday Follow! Looking forward to getting to know you!

    Tina @ The Floundering SAHM

  19. HeartsMakeFamilies says

    Hi just stopping in to say Hi from Friday Follow!

    Happy Friday!


  20. Glad to have you part of the fun of Friday Follow. Rita @

  21. Hi!
    Stopping by from Fri Follow to say Hi!
    I am now following you!

  22. Hi!
    Following from Follow Friday!
    I love quilts and color! I love putting quilts and quilted runners on dressers, tables, knickknack shelves, etc. They do keep the dust down, but also add warmth, texture and color–homeyness–don't you think! Love your idea!
    I hope you'll come over and visit me!
    Faith's Firm Foundation

  23. Following your blog from MM!

    Please visit mine here:


  24. Hey there! I'm a new follower from Friday Follow. Hope to see you around my blog sometime! And please feel free to check out one of my most current giveaways for 1 of 3 Xbox 360 games and for a 25$ walmart gift card.
    Take Care.
    -Amanda T

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