Advertising & Sponsoring Information for Simply Sweet Home, Updated

Simply Sweet Home offically began selling advertising space after receiving offers from Castle Cover and other companies in January 2009. Since opening this site up for advertising, product reviews, and giveaways, I’ve had the opportunity to work with many fantastic companies.

At Simply Sweet Home I strive to constantly improve my content, expand my readership, and work to bring customers to my sponsors and ensure they are satisfied with the advertising I’ve provided.

As such, I’ve worked over the past several weeks to come up with new ways to make advertising more affordable and worth while for small businesses, namely for etsy shop owners, work-at-home moms, and other small online retailers, which make up my core readership. If you are a member of one of these groups, you are eligible for the special packages and pricings I’m offering for advertising (see rates below).

Advertising/Sponsoring: If you would like to advertise on Simply Sweet Home, you can email me at, and I’ll send you more information. If you are from a PR company or large organization, I will be happy to negotiate a price with you for advertising. I’d also love to write a product review or host a giveaway for you (information below). If you are WAHM, etsy shop owner, or other small business owner, please see my new rates & packages for ad campaigns on Simply Sweet Home.

New Rates & Special Packages for Etsy Shops & Small Online Retailers: All new sponsors not only recieve ad space and a fabulous write-up but will also get a campaign of advertising through Twitter, Facebook, and additional feature posts on my blog.

One Month Basic Packages: Includes ad in sidebar. A feature post with one photo. A couple of announcements each on Twitter and FB.
• 125×125 – $6
• Etsy Mini (or large ad) – $11

3 Month Basic Packages: Includes ad in sidebar. A feature post with 3-5 photos. Announcements on Twitter & FB. A feature in craft posts or gift guides (when applicable).
• 125X125 – $15
• Etsy Mini (or large ad) – $25

6 Month Premium Packages: Includes ad in sidebar. A Feature post with 5 photos. Several announcements on Twitter/Facebook. Featured listing(s) in one of my holiday gift guides. A second feature post with one photo. Feature in craft posts (when applicable).
• 125×125 – $25
• Etsy Mini (or large ad)- $45

One Year Simply Super Packages: Includes ad in sidebar. A feature post with 5 photos. One text link at the top center of the blog. Many announcements on Twitter/Facebook throughout your advertising period. Featured listing(s) in both of my holiday gift guides. A second feature post with up to 3 photos. Feature in craft posts (when applicable).
• 125×125 – $50
• Etsy Mini (or large ad) – $60

Reviews: I love trying new products, and I’d be happy to introduce your product to my readers. All reviews will be written within a week of receiving the products unless otherwise stated, and I keep all products that are sent to me for review. (See previous product reviews.)

Giveaways: Giveaway sponsors will be responsible for providing a giveway prize and shipment of the prize. If you’d like to sponsor a giveaway on my site, I’d love to work with you on that. It is great advertising for shop owners, and it’s fun for the readers too. I run most giveaways for about 2 weeks, and I list them on a number of sites, so you are sure to get a lot of exposure and advertising for your business! (Example of a previous giveaway)

Holly Bloggy Christmas Bash Sponsorships: In 2009, SSH and 4 other blogs hosted the Holly Bloggy Christmas Bash with great success. I plan on holding the event again this year and will be looking for sponsors in the fall of this year for that.

Testimonials: Here’s what a couple of my sponsors had to say about their sponsorship experience.

“I am so thrilled!! Thank you so much for posting such a Great write-up about my jewelry!! I love that you added so many links and everything you wrote was very nice!! I truly appreciate you taking the time to do that as well~definitely worth more than what I paid for the advertising alone!” -Amy at Our 2 Peas in A Pod

“Jerri is a joy to work with, and I am very pleased with the results from both my ad and my giveaway. I have seen an increase in views of my shop and several sales!” -Cheryl at Lavender Cottage

If you’d like to become a sponsor on Simply Sweet Home just send an email to I look forward to hearing from you!


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