Preview of Simply Sweet Creations Shop & Blog

Hello everyone! If you’ve looked at my profile in the last several months, you probably noticed that I have a blog listed under my profile, in addition to this one titled, “Coming Soon.”

Well, the blog that’s “Coming Soon” is going to be a blog where I’ll be sharing jewelry I’ve made and other craft projects I’m working on. The name of the blog is… guessed it: Simply Sweet Creations. I’m also opening my own shop on etsy where I’ll be selling jewelry and other items. I’ve been planning to launch this for months, but things just kept coming up. But now I’m ready to take the plunge and add some items to the shop.

The shop is going to start out small. I have a ton of stuff that I’ve made, but I know it will take a while to get traffic, so I’m planning to add more stuff gradually. I also have a ton of ideas for new things to make in the future, but I’m on a tight budget right now, so I have to be a little selective of the materials and things that I buy.

I hope to open the new blog and shop up to the public in the few days. When I have it launched, I’ll be sure to post the links here so that you can come take a look at my items, and I look forward to reading your comments. Please wish me luck in this new endeavor, and don’t forget to tell your friends about it!

Today I’m giving you a small preview of my items. As I look through my stock, I see huge variety of colors and styles…I’m not even sure what to feature! So please bare in mind this is just a small preview!



  1. Best of luck on the new blog and store. I'm sure it will be great. Looks like you've made some great jewelery!

  2. These are some lovely pieces, Jerri, good luck to you in your new endeavor!

  3. Sweet and Savory says

    I like your work.

    Is that your badge above?

    I would be glad to put something on my blog. Let me know what you are using, if not the narrow one above.

    Good luck with this enterprise.

  4. Best of luck on your new blog! I had a hard time with mine, but hopefully yours will be a smooth ride!

    My, you're so talented and creative!

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