My husband got hired on as an Aflac Agent about two months ago. I’m sure all of you have seen the duck commericals on tv, but you’re probably not aware of what Aflac actually does. Unlike other insurance companies, Aflac offers supplemental insurance. Basically they cover things that your regular health insurance doesn’t cover. And unlike other companies, Alfac pays the money directly to you instead of the doctor or hospital.
So let’s say you’re child is sick, and you have to take off work to take him or her to the doctor. Even with your regular insurance, you still may have a co-pay for the doctor’s office and medicine, plus gas to get to the doctors office. When you file your claim with Aflac they basically reimburse you for these costs. And you can use the money for whatever you need: doctor bills, house bills, groceries, gas, or whatever you get the notion to buy.
Aflac offers the following services:
- Cancer Policies
- Life Insurance
- Dental
- Vision
- Short Term Disability
- Long Term Disability
- Accident Policies
- And more!
I personally recommend the cancer policies as 1 out of every 3 women will get cancer in their life time and 1 out of 2 men will get cancer. And the cancer policies cover treatments, travel costs, and lot of things that other plans don’t cover.
But all the policies are good. The costs are very affordable, especially considering everything they cover, and it’s good safety net if you or someone in your family ever has a serious illness or injury that takes you away from work for an extended period of time.
If you have a need for any kind of supplemental insurance, please contact my husband Mark. Currently he is liscensed to sell Aflac in Alabama; however, if he has the opportunity to sell to anyone from another state, he will buy the liscense to be able to do that.
If you’d like any information on the products and services Aflac offers, please contact Mark by sending an email to
hey there – i have an aflac cancer policy, and i am so thankful for it! don't know if it's true for all policies, but i get money back for cancer screenings and such… like when i go to the obgyn and submit the results of my pap, i get money for that! it's a great incentive to keep tabs on your body (and be protected in case the results ever come back with bad news).
Hey, small world, I live in Aflac's hometown–I've driven past the Aflac tower many times!