Holly Bloggy Christmas Bash (Dec 14-18)

The Holly Bloggy Christmas Bash is less than a week away! I hope you’ll all join us for a week of Christmas festivities, friends, fun, and a cup of good cheer!

Please look over our schedule of events and put them on your calendar. We look forward to seeing your posts!

Monday, Dec. 14 – Homemade Gifts – The best Christmas gifts come from the heart. Whether you sew, bake, paint, or glue, a homemade gift is always special and unique to those who recieve it. Come join us over at Tater Tots and Jello and share something that you’ve made, or share something that someone made for you.

Tuesday, Dec. 15 – Christmas Trees – It’s so amazing to see all the different decorating styles people have out there. And we can’t wait to see yours! Share some photos of your Christmas tree. Do you have a special theme? A favorite ornament? Post your link at A Baby Changes Everything.

Wednesday, Dec. 16 – Christmas Crafts – Christmas is a wonderful time for crafty people to show off their skills. Do you make your own Christmas decorations? Ornaments? Cards? Scrapbooks? Gingerbread Houses? Something else? Come on over to Blue Eyed Blessings and share your creations with us!

Thursday, Dec. 17 – Christmas Recipes – Food and the Holidays go hand in hand. Come and share your favorite Christmas recipes over at Simply Sweet Home. Whether it’s an appetizer, a dessert, a drink, a side, or the main course, I’m sure we’ll all be hungry for seconds!

Friday, Dec. 18 – Christmas Memories & Traditions – We all have our favorite Christmas stories, from the sweet and sentimental to the unforgettably funny. Tell us your favorite Christmas memory. Or tell us about a favorite Christmas Tradition that your family has. Then link up over at Tidy Mom.

Prizes, Prizes, Prizes!: We’ll have several great prizes up for grabs at the Holly Bloggy! To qualify for the prize drawings, you must link up to our event(s) and leave a comment at the host blogs. Each time you do this you get an entry. (So for example, if you participate in Monday’s event only, that’s one entry. If you participate all 5 days, that’s five entries.) At the end of the week, entries from all 5 events will be put together, and I’ll do drawings for all the prizes.

Here are some of the prizes you could win :

-$50 Christmas Surprise Pack – from Teresa at A Baby Changes Everything. Surprise pack will include a number of miscellaneous Christmas items that you’ll just love.

-Purple Trail Membership – Purple Trail is offering one basic membership worth $15. Purple Trail is an ecard & evite website. They also feature a lot party planning articles and a whole bunch of great stuff.

Magazine Subscription – One person will win a one year subsciption to ONE of the following popular magazines: Better Homes & Gardens, Good Housekeeping, Traditional Homes, and Parents.

-Christmas Cookie Cutters* – One person will win a set of Christmas cookie cutters from Cheapcookiecutters.com. (Review coming soon.)

-Rock Candy Vintage Jewelry* – One person will win a necklace worth $15 from Rock Candy Vintage.

-Relish Menu Planning Membership* – One person will win a one-year membership to Relish! Menu Planning Website. (Review coming soon.)

-Craft Bundle* – 2 people will win a Craft Bundle from You Can Make This.

Other Prizes – To be announced on Sunday, just before the start of the event!

(Each time you participate in a Holly Bloggy event, you’ll be entered in the drawings for each of the prizes above. However, prizes designated with a * will have a separate review/giveaway post with additional entries available, so if you have your heart set on one of the *prizes, you should see the giveaway post for that item. Links are always posted at the top of my blog.)

Grab a Button: Feel free to right click and save the graphic above if you’d like to post on the event, and/or use the code from one of the buttons below and place it in your sidebar and in your event posts if you wish. I’d really appreciate everyone’s help in promoting this event. And to say thanks, everyone who has the HBCB button in their sidebar will be eligible for additional entries in all of this month’s giveaways!





  1. Vanillastrawberryspringfields says

    Wowowow,i was full on already (ofcourse i love ur cute button thats all there)and have even been preparing(mentally,mind u)for this but ur prizes excite me even more ,specially the Xmas goodie hamper,& cookie cutters elude me(if u live in goa and ur family travel doesnt include metros,u'll know)for ages now….& i travel only with parents and v v v close family ,even checked in a metro but they dont have any cookie cutters and all those xmas decorating stuff & snowy sprinkles with a red & green theme et all and this is surely going to limit me in my entries but i love being a D-I-Y person i have always been !!!!
    Oh they joys of spring(ok winter now) take me on a joy ride as i think of this wonderfull event!!!

  2. Thanks for doing all of the Jerri!!


  3. jennykate77 says

    I just read about this on TidyMom's blog! It sounds like loads of Christmas fun!! I'll be back to play along. I grabbed the button for my blog. 🙂

  4. This sounds like so much fun! I will definitely be joining in. 🙂

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