Organizing Round-Up: Command Central

This month at Org Junkie the organizing round-up theme was Command Central. For this round-up I’m sharing my desk and office area. This is where I do all my blogging, home business work, and general home office tasks. These pictures aren’t the greatest in the world, and I didn’t take a picture of each individual item, but I did try to explain everything in detail….so you should get the general idea.

I just love my desk! In the upper left hand corner is a place to put books/papers/files. I keep all of my business files in binders, so this is a perfect place to keep the current files. On the bottom left there’s a few photo albums.

On the bottom right I have drawers for some of my office supplies, and above these I have a green bin that is perfect place to keep notebooks and papers I’m using so that they don’t end up all over my desk top. And on top of the desk itself I have a couple of different organizers for writing utentils and supplies (a couple of which are pictured in this post).

The bottom drawer of the desk is used to store supplies. I know it looks cluttered, but if you look closely you can see that all the items are actually organized into little slots.

And the beige-colored two-drawer organizer is used for more supplies. In one drawer I keep markers and highlighters and scissors.

And the other drawers contains post-it flags (my favorite item!), my trusty calculator, paper clips & binder clips, and markers.

And here are all my current binders:

And here a couple of office supply organizers:

And another for my planner, notepads, flags, stamps, etc:
This little drawer is handy place to keep the checkbook, stamps, business cards, etc.

And near my desk is my “file center.”

I keep my “older business binders” and some other stuff in the cabinet on the lower left, and the bottom of the cabinet is actually a file drawer, which is big enough for all of important papers, paid bills, and so forth.

The organizer on top of the brown file cabinet is one of my favorite organizers. Inside the drawers, I keep extra check books, mailing labels, and envelopes. On the top left of the cabinet, I have all kinds of printer paper, and the right side is a good place to put binders, books, and papers.

The black cabinet is used to store manuals & warranty information for stuff that we buy, as well as computer software. The plastic drawers contain scrapbook paper and stickers.

And the black box on top is my temporary file box. Basically this where all my papers are stored temporarily until I get chance to file them, or pay a bill, or do whatever I need to do with the papers. This tempoary file box is a life saver when it comes to taking care of paper clutter. I did a post on it back in January. If you’re interested, here’s a link to that post: Secret To My Success with Filing



  1. Wow — you are incredibly organized — way to go!

  2. Live.Love.Eat says

    Very organized!!!!! Looks cozy too!!!!!

  3. Krisi and Adam says

    Wow great job wish my area looked like that.

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