Homestyle Pancakes

Usually I make the easy bisquick pancakes (just add milk & egg), but a while back I was trying a box of off-brand baking mix, and it had a recipe on the box which I decided to try. I apologize for my less-than-beautiful pictures. It’s still a good recipe!

Recipe for Homestyle Pancakes

2 cups baking mix
1 1/3 cups milk
1 egg
2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract (if desired)

Directions: Stir all ingredients together until smooth. Cook on a hot griddle or frying pan on mid-high. Cook until bubbles form on the surface (about one minute). Then flip and cook the other side.



I’m posting a link to this post on the following sites:
Tempt My Tummy Tuesday is hosted by
Blessed With Grace.
Homemaker Mondays is hosted by
11th Heavenโ€™s Homemade Haven.
Make Something Monday is hosted by Go Graham Go! and Jolly Mom.
Tasty Tuesday is hosted by Balancing Beauty & Bedlam.
Ultimate Recipe is Swap is hosted by Life as Mom.
Friday Feasts is hosted by
Works for Me Wednesday is hosted by
We Are THAT Family
Hooked on Fridays is hosted by Hooked on Houses


  1. Mom2my9 @ 11th Heaven says

    I'm going to have to share this recipe with my daughter. She loves to make pancakes! Thank you so much for linking up with us at Homemaker Monday! I hope to see you next week!

  2. Lisa@BlessedwithGrace says

    Looks good!! I am heading to you new business blog, now.

  3. Jean Stockdale says

    This sounds so good. I love pancakes. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a note. I hope you will try my chicken and dressing recipe some time. It is really good! Hope you have a great week.

    Stop by on Friday and play 5 Things Friday. We are posting 5 Things I Know for Sure. Blessings.

  4. Those look yummy!

  5. I've been searching for a homemade pancake recipe – I'll have to give this one a try!

  6. Love pancakes, these sound so good !

  7. Hope you will join me for Crock Pot Wednesdays this week at

  8. Christi @ A Southern Life says

    My husband loves pancakes. I'll have to make these for him. Thanks for the recipe!


  9. Amanda @ Serenity Now says

    We LOVE to have breakfast for dinner at our house. My girlies love pancakes. ๐Ÿ™‚ Visiting from Jen's party! I'm having a Decorating Dilemmas Party on Wednesday…I'd love it if you could come party with us. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. We love pancakes!

  11. This sounds scrumptious! We love pancakes!!

  12. I am all about doctoring up baking mix for homemade taste – I do the same thing!!! Great minds think alike, huh? ๐Ÿ˜‰

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