Break Pal Review and Giveaway

Can’t find the time to exercise? Finding it hard to stay fit when you’re sitting at a desk all day? Looking for a convenient alternative to the gym? Then you should try Break Pal. It’s a great site where you can access quick workouts every day.

Break Pal is devoted to “Fitness at Your Desk.” It is specially designed for people who work at a desk job and would be perfect for bloggers and people who own a computer-based home business.

Here’s how it works. You sign up for a free trial, and then download the Break Pal widget onto your computer. When you’re working at your computer, you’ll get an alert when it’s time to exercise. You can set your alerts to come at the intervals of your choice: every 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, or 60 minutes. You then click on a link to go to the list of exercises on the Break Pal website.

The site has a variety of exercises that can be done right from your desk such as stretches, Chi Kung, yoga, and Cardio Karaticise. (My favorite exercises are the Block Lunge exercises, which are Standing Cardio Karaticise.)

There are videos that walk you through each exercise. Each video lasts only a few minutes, which is perfect if you’re on a tight schedule, and it’s great for someone who wants to incorporate a short work out into their day. The exercises are fun and can be done by anyone, regardless of your current fitness level, and because each session only lasts a few minutes, you can avoid the fatigue, sweating, and shortness of breath that goes along with a lot of traditional workouts.

What I love about the site is the flexibility that it offers. I always find it difficult to get into a regular exercise routine, so having this widget is very helpful to me. And I love that each exercise routine only lasts a couple of minutes. This allows people of all fitness levels to participate, and it allows you to do the exercise regardless of how much time you have on your hands. It’s also great that you can set your alerts to come at different time intervals. This means that whether you’ll be at your desk for a couple of hours or all day long, you can set aside plenty of time to exercise.

The website also offers a point system for doing your exercises, and they have a network where you can make friends with fellow Break Pal users. You can also create your own profiles and post to an online blog about what your doing on Break Pal.

A membership to this website normally costs $9.95 per month. And today I’m happy to announce that BreakPal is going to give away A Free Membership to 5 lucky Simply Sweet Home Readers. Your membership will never expire, and it will give you access to the Break Pal Widget, all the great exercise routines, and other features on the site.

Giveaway Rules:
To enter, leave a comment telling me something that you think would like about Break Pal. (Don’t forget to leave your email address if you do not have a blog or profile so that I’ll be able to contact you if you win.)

Additional Entries: Please leave separate comments for each entry to ensure that all your entries are counted.

1. For one additional entry, you can tweet about the giveaway, or spread the word on another social networking site. Just leave a comment letting me know that you did that. (Please leave your username or a link.) You can make up your own tweet or use the following:
“New Giveaway – Break Pal Fitness Site Membership – 5 winners –

2. You can also get 2 additional entries if you do a blog post on the giveaway. Please mention my blog and Break pal in the post, and be sure to link back to my blog. (Please leave two separate comments saying that you posted about the giveaway, and in one or both of your comments, leave a link to your post.)

3. You get one additional entry if you sign up today to be a Follower of my blog via blogger, a feedblitz subscriber, an RSS/Atom feed subscriber, or if you subscribe in a reader. Just leave a comment telling me how you subscribe. (1 Entry for Each Method through which you follow.)

4. To reward current subscribers, I’m also offering an additional entry if you are ALREADY a follower of my blog or a Feedblitz subscriber, prior to this giveaway. (Just leave 2 comments saying that you are already a subscriber.)

5. Become a Fan of Simply Sweet Home on Facebook, or follow jhrivers on Twitter (1 entry each).

6. And one additional entry will be given if my button is posted in your sidebar. (Just leave a comment saying that you have my button.)

This giveaway is now closed. Winners will be announced over the weekend.


I’m posting this at the following carnivals:

Life as Mom and The Shabby Nest for Frugal Friday.

The Springtime Giveaway Carnival at Heavenly Homemakers.

Works For Me Wednesday at We Are That Family


  1. Ms. Bookish says

    What an interesting site! I think what I like best is the variety of exercises available.

  2. With as much time as I spend on the computer…I could really use this!

    Thanks for the “heads up” 🙂

  3. I posted about it here on Frugal Plus..

  4. Entry #2..blogged about it here..

  5. I’m a Subscriber 🙂

  6. I’m also a Follower of your blog 🙂

  7. I’m following you on Twitter.. Coupons4Me 🙂

  8. Wow, I really like the how to videos…taht helps me a ton!

  9. i love this great ideal i spend way too much time on my computer. this would motivate me. i like that you can change the exercise. thanks

  10. Erica Rooks says

    This would be fantastic as I work from home AND school from home as well. I’m in school to become a Medical Transcriptionist, which will mean I’m at the computer for long hours each day.

    Keeping my fingers crossed! 🙂

  11. Erica Rooks says

    I subscribed. 🙂

  12. Erica Rooks says

    I added your link to my blog:

  13. The exercises are fun and I can avoid sweating and shortness of breath that goes along with traditional workouts.

  14. Organized Nutrition says

    WOW, I have never heard of this before! What a great idea! I am happy for a chance to win!

  15. This will be great for a very busy schedule. Good luck everyone!


  16. I have a hard time finding the time, energy, interest… etc. Anything to spice up working out would help me to get a jump start on a healthier living!

  17. I love the flexibility this offers! I have to say, I’m not sure if I or my husband would benefit most from it, but I know we could definitely use it!! The reminders would keep us on track, too!

  18. I think this is a very innovative and timely idea plus I really NEED this. I just came from a 6k run and most of it I just WALKED aaargh. Thanks for the chance!


  19. What a neat idea! I like that you can have a “buddy” to help keep you on track.

  20. Love to reduce weight if I have it.

  21. Ľubaša says

    “Every 30 minutes (or whatever time interval you) BreakPal will pop up on your computer screen and remind you to exercise.” This is so useful for many IT addicted, because e.g. I am able to sit at my desk for 7 hours without moving and i KNOW very well how bad custom is this. Thanks.

  22. Ľubaša says

    I follow your blog

  23. Ľubaša says

    i am subscriber

  24. i like the reminders

  25. lynnsdecor says

    I tweeted the giveaway! Boy I could use this. SAHM of a toddler and I am trying to get a online store open and have no time to exercise.
    On twitter: LynnsDecor
    email is same user name at

  26. Connie Walsh says

    What I like about breakpal is that it is not a huge time commitment so the theory is that I will stay with it.

  27. Connie Walsh says

    I’m a subscriber via RSS

  28. Connie Walsh says

    I have your button on my blog

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