MPM again. Our computers were down for a few days this past week, preventing me from doing any posting until Friday. And even though we’re back online, the connection is a little slow. If it doesn’t get any better in the next day or so, I’ll be asking my husband to “call the man” (to quote Andy Griffith). But I have to admit, a “slow” high speed connection is better than no connection at all. But hopefully we can get it all figured out, and this week will be a lot better!
Breakfast – bacon & eggs, biscuits, cereal, chocolate chip muffins
Lunch – ham sandwiches, turkey sandwiches, dinner leftovers
Monday – Beef ribs, macaroni & cheese, deviled eggs
Tuesday – Lemon Peppered Chicken, chicken-flavored rice, corn-on-the-cob
Wednesday – Leftovers
Thursday – Chili Pies
Friday – Pizza
Saturday – chicken fingers & fries
Sunday – Lasagna, garlic bread, salad
For more information on MPM, visit I’m an Organzing Junkie.
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