Menu Plan Monday for September 15

This week I’m trying to get back in the swing of things with my menu planning. The movers will be bringing our stuff this week so we can move in to our home. Since we’ll be busy unpacking, I won’t have to time for a lot of cooking…but I don’t want to spend our money eating out every day either, so we’re gonna be doing a lot of *quick fix* meals. So here’s my quick-and-easy, on-the-go menu!

Monday – Eating with my parents
Tuesday – Sub sandwiches
Wednesday – Tuna salad sandwiches
Thursday – Burgers & fries
Friday – Burritos
Saturday – Barbecue
Sunday – Pizza


  1. Great menu 🙂

    My Menu Plan

  2. Quick and easy ideas are what I’m looking for! Sounds tasty.

  3. Great and easy week! That is my kind of week! 😀

  4. a lovely menu Jerri.. Love Saturday – Barbecue 😉

    Rosie x

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