Menu Plan Monday for June 2

I’m looking forward to this week’s menu. I love Tacos, but it’s been a while since I made any. This week I’m also using a Campbell’s Supper Bake, which is very tasty and easy to make. I highly recommend them.

We’re also having a house favorite, buffalo chicken fingers & grilled brats (made especially for my husband, though I love them too). And I’ve come up with a simple idea for what I think will be a tasty wrap…I’ll let you know how it goes.

Monday – Tacos
Tuesday – Cheesy Chicken & Pasta (Campbell’s Supper Bake…very good!)
Wednesday -Bacon, Cheddar, Chicken & Ranch Wraps
Thursday – Spaghetti w/ salad & garlic bread
Friday – Buffalo chicken fingers & fries
Saturday – Grilled Brats w/ mac n cheese and baked beans
Sunday – Ham & Turkey Sub sandwiches
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  1. Bloggin' Mama says

    Ooh, we love tacos too. They are usually on my meal plan every other week!

    Your meals look yummy!

  2. Looks like a great menu! Tacos, spaghetti…yum! Have a great week!

  3. Lisa Knight says

    Great menu! The wrap sounds super yummy!

  4. Hi Jerri
    Thanks for visiting my blog! Looks like we have a lot in common..

  5. Lovely menu Jerri and I adore wednesdays mmmmmm

    Rosie x

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