Recipe of the Week: Easter Bunny Cake

Hello all. This week’s Recipe of the Week is Easter Bunny Cake. This recipe is from Betty Crocker. (The link is below the pic) However, there are several other versions of the Bunny Cake all over the net. It’s a great treat for kids and adults of all ages.

I just love looking at all these great crafts & desserts for spring. Yesterday, when I wrote the Sweet Thursday post, I couldn’t help but hum to myself…..”in your Easter bonnet, with all the frills upon it.” Now suddenly I’ve got “The Bunny Song” from Vegetales in my head…and “Here Comes Peter Cotton Tale.” Is anyone else with me? No? Oh well, enjoy the recipe!

Bunny Bake

1 box cake mix. (the recipe calls for carrot, but I like yellow or white)
Water, vegetable oil and eggs called for on cake mix box
Tray or cardboard, covered with foil
1 container white frosting
1 cup shredded coconut
Construction paper
Jelly beans or small gumdrops
1 cup shredded coconut
Green food color

1. Heat oven to 350°F (325°F for dark or nonstick pans). Make and cool cake as directed on box for two 8-inch or 9-inch round pans.
2. Reserve 1 layer for another use or to make a second bunny. Cut 1 layer in half as shown in diagram. Put halves together with frosting to form body. Place cake upright on cut edge on tray.
3. Cut out a notch about one-third of the way up one end of body to form head (small end) as shown in diagram. Attach half of cutout piece from tail with toothpicks. Frost with remaining frosting, rounding body on sides. Sprinkle with 1 cup coconut. Cut ears from construction paper; press into notch on top. Use jelly beans for eyes and nose.
4. Shake 1 cup coconut and 3 drops food color in tightly covered jar until evenly tinted. Surround bunny with tinted coconut. Add additional jelly beans if desired. Store loosely covered.

High Altitude (3500-6500 ft): Follow High Altitude directions on cake mix box for two 8- or 9-inch round pans.


  1. It’s a rabbit – of COURSE its carrot cake 😉

  2. I love the Easter ideas! Great! That bunny is so cute. Maybe I can make something like this without the coconut. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  3. I finally have some time to make my rounds to the UBP. Sorry I’m a bit late, and thanks so much for stopping by my blog.
    I love your blog, I’m so glad I stopped by. That cake is so cute and I am certain mine would never look like that! Hope you enjoyed the party!!
    Our Happy Happenings
    Livin’ With Me

  4. Lips Of An Angel says

    I love getting creative in the kitchen! I have two HUGE binders with recipes for all sorts of cool and creative things. I even have some templates for a cake shaped like a computer that I plan to make for my computer tech to thank him for all the work he’s done to keep my computer running smoothly. A couple years ago I made a “hockey rink” cake – all my own doing, too. It was pretty awesome. 😀

  5. Cindy Swanson says

    This cake is absolutely adorable! I’ll have to content myself with just looking at it, though, because I’m trying to be really good about keeping my diabetes under control. Your blog has such great ideas!

  6. What a cute bunny cake just perfect for Easter 🙂

    Rosie x

  7. Mary Beth says

    What a cute cake! I remember my mom buying a cake like this and sometimes a lamb cake from the “bakery” in town…now it’s gone so this was a great memory. : )

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