Recipe of the Week: Buffalo Chicken Wrap

In the midst of all the number crunching, we must not forget to eat lunch. So here’s a little food for thought. The recipe of the week comes from Eating Well. It seems like wraps are “all the rage” these days, and if you like a little spice in your life, this wrap is for you. (and if not, you could always make it for your husband or other spicey food fan.)

Buffalo Chicken Wrap

2 tablespoons hot pepper sauce3 tablespoons white vinegar, divided
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 pound chicken tenders
2 tablespoons reduced-fat mayonnaise
2 tablespoons nonfat plain yogurt
Freshly ground pepper to taste
1/4 cup crumbled blue cheese
4 8-inch whole-wheat tortillas
1 cup shredded romaine lettuce
1 cup sliced celery
1 large tomato, diced

1. Whisk hot pepper sauce, 2 tablespoons vinegar and cayenne pepper in a medium bowl.

2. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add chicken tenders; cook until cooked through and no longer pink in the middle, 3 to 4 minutes per side. Add to the bowl with the hot sauce; toss to coat well.

3. Whisk mayonnaise, yogurt, pepper and the remaining 1 tablespoon vinegar in a small bowl. Stir in blue cheese.

4. To assemble wraps: Lay a tortilla on a work surface or plate. Spread with 1 tablespoon blue cheese sauce and top with one-fourth of the chicken, lettuce, celery and tomato. Drizzle with some of the hot sauce remaining in the bowl and roll into a wrap sandwich. Repeat with the remaining tortillas.


  1. Buffalo chicken may be my favorite protein.

  2. Cooking and the City says

    Jerri those wraps look great 🙂

    Dell xo

  3. Kate – I’m with you on that. I never really ate buffalo chicken or anything spicy until I met my husband. Every time to go out to eat he would order buffalo chicken or wings, and after trying it a few times, it grew on me. Now I’m addicted.

    Dell – Glad you like the recipe. thanks for stopping by.

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