Menu Plan Monday for March 31

I’m hardpressed to come up with menu ideas this week. I’m just not in the mood for anything in particular. It’s kind of weird for me, because I’m usually full of ideas, but right now I’m just not feeling inspired. But I still managed to come up with a menu, though I could change my mind as the week goes forward.

Monday – Lemon Chicken & Rice
Tuesday – Buffalo Chicken Wraps

Wednesday – Tacos
Thursday – Chicken Salad
Friday- Fried shrimp, french fries, hush puppies
Saturday – eat out
Sunday – Steak, baked potato, and steamed veggies

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  1. Yum, everything looks so good. Thanks for sharing.

    Mine is up too


  2. It all looks pretty inspired to me. How do you get and stay so organized – I bow before you.

  3. This is a great menu plan for the week – it all sounds so good 🙂

    Rosie x

  4. Thanks, it tasted good to.
    Giz, I’d say the key to staying organized for me is just making it a priority. When things are unorganized, I just can’t stand it. As my husband says, “Don’t let the chaos in. Nip it in the bud.” It takes a lot of practice (as well as trial and error), and I just have to take the time to work on it every day.

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