Hello everyone! I’m excited to say that I decided to join the Ultimate Blog Party hosted by 5 Minutes For Mom. This is a great opportunity to introduce your blog to new readers and to find new blogs to read & make new friends. As if this wasn’t enough for you to join, there are also prizes being awarded. The party began on March 7 and will continue through March 14, so head on over and join the celebration!
Introducing Me
If you’re visiting from the Ultimate Blog Party, Welcome! My name is Jerri. I’m from Alabama, and I’m a newlywed. (married just over a year) I love being a wife and a homemaker. I also work from home, doing administrative work for my husband’s business. In my spare time I enjoy writing. I write articles on a variety of subjects, and I’m also working on a cookbook and some other ideas for books that I plan to put up on my blog in the future. I also happen to have degrees in History and English, so I love discussing those subjects with friends, and I’m also a bit of a political junkie.
Why I Started Blogging
Just a few months after getting married, I was talking about some plans I had for my kitchen, and I was very enthusiastic about it. My husband smiled at me lovingly and said, “You really like this, don’t you?” And I said, “Yes.” I’ve been amazed at how much I actually enjoy cooking, organizing, decorating, and straightenting up my home, and just being a good wife. It’s prompted my husband to call me the Domestic Goddess.
I never really read any blogs, until I was on the internet looking for ideas for home businesses and work from home opportunities. I didn’t realize just how big the blogosphere was, and it intrigued me. Since I love to write anyway, and since I enjoyed running my own webpage several years ago, I thought it would be fun to start my own blog.
About Simply Sweet Home
I started Simply Sweet Home last October, as a blog for homemakers. It includes just about every aspect of what it takes to create a “Simply Sweet Home.” I post a lot of recipes, especially desserts and comfort food. I focus on a lot of different ways to create a good home environment, from cleaning and organizing to decorating. I also feature product reviews and tips to save money and to simplify your life. And for fun, I occasionally include a post on crafts for moms and kids.
Here are some other features that might interest you:
- Every Monday I participate in Orgjunkie’s Menu Plan Monday.
- Every couple of weeks I have my Sweet Thursday post. It centers around desserts. Sometimes it’s a recipe or recipes, and other times it features pictures of desserts that I’ve decided to share or reviews of desserts from a resturant.
- Every week (generally around Friday) I post my Recipe of the Week.
- And every couple of weeks I write a Simple Solutions post, which is just what it sounds like. I think of a housekeeping/cooking/cleaning dilemma and write a simple solution for it.
Well, I guess that’s basically me & my blog in a nutshell. Thanks for visiting. Please come back soon to see all my upcoming spring & summer posts, and I really hope you’ll subscribe to my feed and/or newsletter. And please leave me a comment. I’d love to meet some new people.
Thanks again for reading!
HELLO-i love the domestic goddess nickname. blogging is a lot of fun and it’s a great time meeting so many new people in so many different places. enjoy the party! i’ve pegged your blgo as a fav on my computer. 🙂 *elizabeth
What a great blog you have, Jerri! You really do sound like a “domestic goddess.” I plan to come back and check out some of your recipes. Happy partying!
I LOVE the colours and the idea behind your blog — great party! I will definitely be back!
I absolutely LOVE the Easter craft ideas. My daughter is going to be thrilled when she sees them!! I’ll be back tomorrow to show them off to her. 😉
That Lime dessert looks absolutey delicious! That is going to be must try next weekend. I really enjoyed browsing around. Take care!
Nice to meet you, Jeri! I love your blog’s design and concept! I’ll have to check out some of your recipes. I post Friday’s Frugal Feast at my blog. Come party with me.
hi Jerri..
thanks for sending me your favourite artwork…I love Hopper’s work…
you have a gorgeous blog here…
I will be back to check out your recipes as I’m not a very good cook..
have a great day 🙂
Great blog, I’m going to link up to your page from mine if that is ok! I’ll be visiting often!
Nice to meet you. I’m originally from Alabama, but now live in Maryland. Looks like a lot of fun here – I’ll be back. Thanks.
I’ll go to the party if I can hold your hand. New people make me shy.
I’m inviting you to party with me!
Win some chocolate from my-sister-in-law and I…we blog about CHOCOLATE…me from Australia…and her from Michigan. Here’s the link: http://thechocolistas.blogspot.com/2008/03/ultimate-blog-party-2008.html
What am I doing in Australia? I married an Aussie…and moved to Brisbane, leaving my family and friends and all the right-side-of-the-road drivers in America.
Win a handmade pocket place mat from my blog Comfort Joy Designs. Here’s the link:
Want to know more about life in Australia? Visit my A Cup of Joy site where I keep up with my family and friends in America. Here’s the link:
Happy Partying!
Hi Jerri! Thanks so much for stopping by my site. I will add you to my Google Reader and definitely visit again!!
Thanks for stopping by the Bahama party! VA is fabulous – my husband is a history buff too – hence I know all the stories and have heard them over and over and over 🙂 Maybe that’s why we moved to the Bahamas 🙂 I am so far from a homemaker it isn’t funny so I will have to stop by your blog often and seeif I can pick up some tips.
Thanks for stopping by. You have a great site too. What kind of magazine articles do you right? I would love to get into that too but haven’t found the right avenues yet.
Have a great week. Sarah
thanks for stopping by my party!
i love you r blog and can’t wait to stop back by in the future!
happy party week!
{i will def. be trying some of those easter egg ideas}
Thanks for stopping by my blog party! I thought I’d pay you a visit in return! I’m so glad I did. Your blog is great!
Thank you for stopping by my blog party. We do write about similar things. The egg posts are neat. We don’t do eggs at our house, but if we did, I would use your ideas!
Great post! Thanks for stopping by. I hope you have a great time at the party.
Hi Jerri! I’m so glad you stopped by my blog during the party because I’ve really been enjoying reading yours. It is so well written and I already picked up some new ideas for egg decorating with my daughter!!
I’ll have to come back and read some more when I have the time.
It’s so nice to meet you – lots of good stuff going on, here – the Easter eggs are absolutely stunning.
I’ll be back!
Well I have not looked around here too much yet (just at your Easter egss posts so far) but I really love your blog! Thanks so much for stopping by and it is so nice to “meet” you!
Cool Party! Love your site. Thanks for hosting!
I wanted to invite you over to my blog if you get a chance.
Happy blogging!
Thanks for stopping by my party. It’s always refreshing to meet other Alabamians (I just moved to Florida from Huntsville three years ago. I loved Alabama).
Hope you are enjoying the party! Those eggs are beautiful!
Hi there! Great site. You should come visit http://www.Blissfullydomestic.com. I’m one of the writers there! I do not really claim to be a true domestic goddess but I hope by hanging out there it will rub off on me. 😉
Great party!
Hi, thanks for stopping by my party! You have a great blog here -I’m a domestic wannabe and so I’m sure I’ll be visiting your blog again for ideas!
Thanks you guys for all your lovely comments, and thanks for stopping by. With the huge list of blogs participating in the party it is quite overwhelming trying to keep track of everyone & every blog. But over the next week or so I promise that I will get around to all of your sites if I haven’t already. I hope you all enjoyed the party, and I hope I’ll be seeing you all again around my blog. Thanks again! Jerri =)
I really love being married, taking care of the home and our family too. It gives me such a high.
I really enjoyed my visit.
Thanks for stopping by http://www.teenlitreview.blogspot.com! Hope you can come visit again soon!
Still hopping from blog to blog… my goal is to post at each blog at least once. Nice to meet you. Happy blogging!