The other night I walked outside to look at the eclipse and a bug flew in from outside. Without thinking I picked up one of my husband’s black tennis shoes and went in for the kill. Unfortunately I completely missed the bug but did manage to cream the wall, leaving a small black scuff mark. Dissapointed with my efforts, I decided to leave the bug killing to my husband, and I meanwhile went to retrieve the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. My husband used this product in his delivery business whenever a customer’s wall or floor accidentally got marked or scratched, and I found one in his tool bag one day and asked about it. He said I could take it in and try it. So the other night it seemed like the perfect time.
To use the magic eraser, you simply run water on the sponge, squeeze it out, and rub it over the mark. And it really is like magic! With very little effort on my part, the mark came right off. I then went through the house looking for other marks. We just moved in to our home back in January, and I knew of several small marks that I had seen on the walls, so I inspected each and every room and took care of all the marks. What a great tool to keep walls and floors looking clean and new! And finally I took it into the bathroom and used it on the tub, and amazingly it took the soap scum right off!
The product is also said to be good when used on stoves, microwaves, and other metal kitchen appliances, as well as plastic furniture, your child’s swing set & other outdoor playsets, and even the interior console, dashboard, and hubcaps of your car. Oh, and it removes crayon too. (I know that’s got to be a plus for some of us.)
I think this product is a must to have on hand. Without a doubt, this product does what the commecial says it will do, and it is a great value for the money! I will definitely buy this product again in the future
Everyone raves about this product but it has yet to work for me.
hmm. did you wet it? I just ran a little bit of water on it before squeezing it out. And it worked like a charm. I barely rubbed it on the walls, and it worked. What have you used it on?
I’ve heard this product is made with formaldahyde (and have since stopped using it as a result…)
To reckless glue (& other concerned readers) the following info. comes from the Magic Eraser website:
Formaldehyde is not and has never been an ingredient in Magic Eraser. One ingredient in Magic Eraser (formaldehyde-melamine-sodium bisulfite copolymer) contains the word “formaldehyde” in its chemical name. However, this ingredient is not formaldehyde and poses no health or safety risks. (Think of this name like “sodium chloride”, which is table salt. Sodium by itself can be dangerous, but sodium chloride – salt – is safe.).
Magic Eraser is considered non-toxic. As with any sponge-like product, when swallowed this product may block the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, we do advise to keep this product out of the reach of children and pets to avoid accidental ingestion – it is not a toy.
It is possible that formaldehyde may be present in minute, trace amounts as a result of the manufacturing process. Even then, the amount present is significantly lower than standards established by governmental agencies and trade associations, and is actually less than what is found in indoor air.
In fact, no ingredients in Magic Eraser are subject to any health-related labeling laws in North America or in the European Union.
For more info. on safey concerns visit the following link:
Apparently my post was too long, and the entire link didn’t get posted. Here’s is the entire link:
I love this product!!! P & G makes awesome products!!
My newest favorite from them is Febreze SPORT!!!
I use it on my son's hockey equipment bag and it totally elimates the yucky odors!!
Here is where I found it: