From the Desk of Jerri

I have just a few announcements to make. First of all, I will be out of town this weekend visiting my parents and will not return until late Monday afternoon, so most likely I won’t have a Menu Plan Monday Post this week or any posts for this weekend, but please be sure to stop by next week, because I’ll have some last minute ideas for Valentine’s Day, which I’m sure you’ll love. Also, this weekend I’m happy to report that I’ll be attending the annual Chocolate Festival held at the local mall near my hometown. My mother is a manager for O’Charley’s and always designs and hosts their booth, so my husband and I will be there hanging out with her and sampling the many treats. I’ll let you know how it turns out.

Secondly, you should notice that in the top of the left side bar, I have added a place where you can subscribe to the Simply Sweet Home mailing list. This is sponsored by Feedblitz. I’ve been testing a couple of different mailing list providers over the last couple of months, and I have chosen to go with it. If you sign up you’ll recieve a weekly update of current articles featured on the blog.

And additionally as a thank you to you for signing up, every month or so I will send out a “member’s only” mailing which will include some special bonus feature articles, recipes, and special offers. And finally, I’m in the process of writing and creating some books/ebooks. I intend on creating a couple of big projects to sell, and then use other smaller projects as freebies. As a thank you for joining the list some of these freebies will be offered only to members or will be offered to the members first. This is my way of saying thank you for reading and taking an interest in my blog and it’s also a way for me to get to know the readers.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you will all join the mailing list.

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