The Importance of Cleaning Up Fall Leaves

Almost everyone loves the fall leaves: the way they color the trees, the crunching sound they make beneath your feet, but most people hate to have their yards covered with them. Often it becomes a toss up decision: What do I hate worse? All the leaves? Or having to rake the leaves? And this toss up usually determines whether or not we clean up our yards.

Sometimes, especially if you have a busy schedule, it is hard to find the time to rake the leaves, and it is especially annoying to spend an afternoon raking, only to find your yard covered in leaves again the very next day. This leads a lot of people to beg the question: Why bother?

Personally I do not have a problem with leaves to begin with, as we only have a few trees in our yard to deal with; however, if you have a yard with a lot of trees, the leaves tend to pile up pretty fast. But whether you have one tree or several trees, there are benefits to cleaning up the leaves.

The following link is to an article about why it is important to have a clean, “fall leaf free” yard, and it also tells you some things you can do with the leaves:
Why You Should Clean the Leaves & What to do with the Leaves

Also, check out this article about composting your leaves.
How To Compost Leaves

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