How to Find the Right Bathroom and Plumbing Company


You’ve spent hours researching the best bathtub and shower fixtures for your new bathroom, now it’s time to decide who will install them. But where do you start? If this is your first time hiring a plumbing company, it can be hard to know what questions to ask or how to vet one from another. Don’t worry—we’ve got all the information you need right here!

Get their plumbing licenses.

You might be wondering what the difference between a licensed plumber and an unlicensed one is. The answer is simple: licensing requirements are meant to protect you and make sure that your plumbing company is up to snuff. They must have passed their state’s exam because it shows they have a comprehensive understanding of basic plumbing systems, how they work together, and how to fix them when something goes wrong.

If you find out that your contractor isn’t licensed, run away as fast as possible! They may not have been able to pass the exam for some reason; perhaps they just don’t care enough about their customers’ safety or comfort level with their workmanship. In any case, if a contractor doesn’t want to follow these regulations then chances are high that other aspects of their business will be similarly lacking in professionalism and quality control.

Find out how long they have been in business.

When you are searching for a bathroom or plumbing company, it is important to find out how long they have been in business. This can be an indicator of their experience, as well as how well they have been able to build up a reputation. If you want your renovation to go smoothly and be completed on time, then you will need to choose a company that has experience working with customers like yours.

You may also want to consider asking if they have any past clients that you could speak with about their experience working with this particular contractor. It’s always easier when someone else has already done the legwork for us!

Do they have insurance?

  • Insurance is important to protect you, your home, and the company.
  • If something goes wrong during the installation process, you’ll want to be protected against damage to your property, personal injury, and liability.
  • A reputable plumbing company should be insured against these kinds of incidents.
  • Ask for proof that they are insured by checking their website or calling them up directly.

Do they have references?

You should always ensure that the company you choose to hire has a list of references. This way, you can contact previous clients and/or employers to ask about their experience with the business. It’s also common for companies to have references available on their websites or in advertisements, so be sure to check those out as well.

You may even want to consider getting references from people you know (and trust) since they’ll be able to tell you more about their experiences working with the company in question than anyone else possibly could.

What type of training do their technicians receive?

You should find out how long they have been in business and how long their technicians have been with the company. You also want to know if they offer ongoing training for their employees, and if so, what kind of training is it? Does it happen on the job or in-house? Is it from industry experts or other companies in the same field? How often do they get training? It’s important that your plumber take time to keep up with new developments in technology and methods so that he can provide you with the best service possible.

View their previous work.

  • View their previous work. The first place to look is on the company’s website and social media pages. If they have a portfolio page, go there first, because it will be easier to see all of the work side by side. This will give you an idea of the quality of work that they do, and how successful they are at meeting clients’ needs.
  • Look for other signs that they know what they’re doing: Do they have testimonials? Are there reviews from past clients on their blogs or website?

Ask your friends and family for recommendations.

The best way to find a reputable plumbing company is by asking for recommendations from friends and family. Chances are you already know someone who has had their work done by a specific company, so ask them if they were satisfied with the job. If they were, ask them if they would recommend that company to others in need of bathroom or plumbing services. You should also inquire about any problems or issues that arose during their interaction with the business so that you can avoid similar problems yourself if possible. The last thing you want is for an issue at your home caused by an inexperienced plumber!

Finally, it’s important not only to ask how well this particular business has worked out for others but also how likely those people would be willing to use the same service again in the future (assuming all went well). This will give you an idea of whether or not it makes sense financially as well as emotionally in terms of customer satisfaction and reputation within your community.

Always do your research first to ensure the company you hire is the right fit for the job.

  • Check online reviews. It might sound obvious, but before you hire a company to do any work in your home or business, always check online reviews of the business. You can use Google and other search engines to find reviews from customers who have hired similar companies in the past.
  • Ask friends and family for recommendations. Your friends may know someone who has experience with bathroom and plumbing companies in your area, so ask them if they would recommend anyone specific or at least tell you about someone that did good work for them in the past.
  • Get references from candidates who interview with you as part of their interview process when trying to find a new job; ask each candidate for three references that can attest to their skill set and work ethic (or lack thereof). This will help ensure that the person you hire is qualified for the position he/she is applying for at this company!
  • Check insurance status before hiring any professional service provider like ours here at American Comfort Heating & Air Conditioning Inc., which means making sure all employees are covered under general liability insurance coverage plus worker’s compensation payments as needed too!


The plumbing and bathroom remodeling industry is filled with a lot of different options, so it can be hard to know which company is right for you. We hope this article has given you some helpful tips on how to find one. Doing research beforehand and asking friends and family for recommendations, will save both time and money when searching for an expert like this Thrifty bathrooms who can do their job well!


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