Peppermint Brittle

peppermint brittle
Here’s a recipe that’s sure to please this holiday season: Peppermint Brittle!  And did I mention it is super easy and quick to make?
Recipe for Peppermint Brittle 
2 pounds white chocolate
30 small peppermint candy canes

Line a large jellyroll pan with heavy-duty foil.

Place white chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl. Heat in microwave on medium setting for 5 to 6 minutes. Stir occasionally, until chocolate is melted and smooth.

Place candy canes in a plastic bag, or between two pieces of waxed paper. Using a mallet or rolling pin, break the candy canes into chunks. Stir peppermint into melted white chocolate. Spread evenly in pan, and chill until set, about 1 hour. Break into pieces by slamming pan on counter.

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