Happy 2018 + Baby Announcement and Story

Hello all!  And Happy New Year!  With 2018 here, I just wanted to check in and write a quick post.  I’ve been a little bit absent the last couple of months, but if you follow me on Instagram or read my first little mini announcement, you know it’s been for a good cause!


I’d like for you to officially meet little Charles Saban Thaxton Birdwell.  (You may call him Thaxton.)  He was named after 2 great men.  The first is my dad, Charles Thaxton Holladay, and the second is Coach Nick Saban.  We wanted to name him Saban, because my stepson’s middle name is Bryant (after Bear Bryant), and it was actually my husband’s idea to use my dad’s middle name, Thaxton.  Then we had a gender reveal ultrasound, where we learned that HE was going to be a HE, and on the way home from the appointment, my husband suggested calling the baby Thaxton, rather than Saban.  At that point, I suggested we throw the Charles in as well.  So there is the story behind his name!

He was expected to arrive on November 17, but on November 13, I went in for my 39 week appointment, where we learned his heartbeat was a little slow.  We were sent upstairs to be put on the monitor.  After a couple of hours, they explained that the baby’s heartbeat was low, because he likely had the cord wrapped around him, preventing him from getting enough oxygen.  I was told I would be admitted and induced that night.  (As far as labor and delivery goes, I believe actually getting induced was the worst part of the whole thing, and I wouldn’t recommend it, unless it is an emergency, as in my case.)

My water broke on its own around 1 or 2 in the morning, and he arrived at 9:48 on the morning of November 14.  During labor, I had to wear an oxygen mask and constantly be shifted around in the bed to keep the baby’s heart rate up, but other than that aspect and a brief period of REAL pain while I waited for the epidural, it was a fairly easy delivery.  (Although I have admit, due to the meds they gave me, I may have blacked out and have a little bit of amnesia about parts of the event…but maybe that’s a good thing!)

When he was born, Thaxton, indeed, had the cord wrapped all around him, but within a couple of seconds, he started crying, and the doctor’s pronounced him a perfectly healthy baby.

As you can imagine, I am overjoyed and thrilled by this new addition to our family.  Thaxton is a sweet angel and a true gift from God!

And you will definitely be seeing more of him around here!


Thanks for checking in with me today and for indulging me with my stories and baby pictures! I look forward and hope to get back to more regular blogging in 2018, and I hope to see you here!


  1. Awe! So precious! Congrats!!!!

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