Don’t you just love doing laundry? As far as chores go, I think laundry is something that you either love or hate. I actually don’t mind it most of the time. First of all, it’s a chore that you can actually see noticeable results from; I love nothing more than to pull a fresh load of nice clean clothes from the dryer and then restock the drawers and closets around the house. Something about it makes me feel warms inside. Secondly I’ve got a pretty good system down when it comes to doing laundry, and my system and the way all the clothes are already pre-sorted for me, just makes the whole chore pretty easy! In fact, laundry is the one chore with which I absolutely want NO HELP from my husband. (No offense to him or any one else; I just have certain ways I like to do things!)
Sorting and wash cycle has a lot to do with great looking clothes, but there’s also good products to consider. When I need an unscented, hypoallergenic detergent, I use All Free Clear. A lot of people associate the Free Clear products with family’s that have babies or suffer from all kinds of allergies, but the product is actually quite useful in any household.
My husband, for example, has the occasional allergic reaction, so I occasionally like to use these products on his clothes. And I always find All Free Clear works well on linens.
A lot of people don’t really like to get in bed and smell flowers or fruits when they are trying to sleep, and if that describes someone in your household, than using All Free Clear on their bed sheets would definitely be a welcome change.
The All Free Clear line includes:
• The NEW all free clear OXI mighty pacs
• The NEW all free clear OXI booster
• all free clear laundry detergent
• all free clear fabric softener
• all free clear dryer sheets
Want to try these products and save a little money? Download this All Free Clear Coupon!
Apart from using the right products and right wash cycles, organization is the key to easy laundry duties! Here are 5 of my tips for laundry organization:
1. Keep separate hampers for each member of your family, plus an extra hamper just for towels and linens.
2. Place socks inside mesh laundry bags in order to keep to socks together. Also, keep a “lost and found” bag for any socks without a mate. (Sort through the lost and found bag about once a month, and you will be amazed at how many pairs of socks you will suddenly find.)
3. Plan out laundry days to ensure nobody is ever without clothes. (Weekends are a great time to do school and work clothes so that everyone has enough for the following week.)
4. If members of your family are prone to run out of clothes before laundry day, keep a watch on their drawers and closet. Also, tell them to report to you if they see they are running low items.
5. For moms of growing kids (and husbands, haha), go through your child’s closet and drawers at least once a year and clear it everything that doesn’t fit or that your child does not wear anymore. (This will prevent your child from trying to wear something that is no longer suitable, and it will prevent you from thinking they have more wearable clothes than they actually do.)
Giveaway! Visit All Free Clear on Facebook and enter the With My Blanket Sweepstakes! All you have to do is share a photo of your child’s blanket either on Facebook or Twitter, using the hashtags #withmyblanket and #sweeps. Post your photos by June 26
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