Asphalt Roofing: How Does Weather Affect It?

When you think about how exposed your roof is to the elements, it stands to reason that a combination of wind, rain, and the sun’s rays will take its toll over a period of time. If you have an asphalt roof, how will the weather affect it? 

 As a roofing professional, such as Primo Roofing and Sidings, will tell you, it is essential to have an understanding of your local climate and the potential threats it poses to the lifespan of your asphalt roof. Armed with this knowledge, you can take steps to substantially reduce the impact of weathering. 

 Let’s take a look at how weather impacts your asphalt roof and what action you can take to achieve the best level of protection from the elements so that you can enjoy greater longevity for your roof. 

 The threat of UV radiation 

 In extreme circumstances, UV radiation has the capacity to undermine and damage the structure of your asphalt roof. 

The problem can be that the sun’s rays have the power to penetrate deeply into the shingles. When this happens, it can materially alter the chemical make-up of the asphalt tiles. 

Once the bonds within the structure start to break down, your asphalt roof could lose its protective coating, leaving it exposed. 

 Talk to your roofing supplier about using an asphalt roof on a roof that is going to be regularly exposed to UV radiation. The solution is to use a thicker grade of asphalt that will stand up to the sun better than a standard asphalt roof. 

 What about exposure to wind, rain, and even ice? 

  The bottom line is that once a shingle starts to lose its protective surface granules, this leaves it more susceptible to absorbing more rainwater. Once the water penetrates more deeply it can cause deterioration. 

 Again, the solution is to install a higher grade asphalt roof if you or your roofer has any valid concerns about how much exposure to wind, rain, or ice your roof is likely to get. 

 As well as installing a high quality asphalt roof, you can also reduce the prospect of damage to the rest of your roof by carrying out regular maintenance. Periodic inspections and replacing broken or damaged tiles immediately will help minimize the impact of wet weather. 

 As you can see, your roof can be potentially damaged by cyclical changes in temperature and extreme weather conditions. If you are installing an asphalt roof, or any other type of roof, it makes a lot of sense to talk to your roofing supplier and installer about the regular weather conditions your roof is likely to be exposed to. 

 You have no reason to be unduly concerned about the threat of adverse weather conditions to the condition and longevity of your asphalt roof, as long as you think about how to protect your roof from day one. 

 With the right type of asphalt roof and some professional guidance from your chosen roofing company, you can enjoy a finish that will look great and hold well against the elements. 

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