AC Repair Plano Guide: 5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring an HVAC Technician

Air conditioning systems are complex and prone to repairs. So, if your cooling unit requires repair, you must select the best ac repair contractor.  For A/C repair, Plano has many experienced and licensed HVAC contractors. But how do you know which HVAC repair contractor will be the best for you?

To make sure you hire the best Air conditioner repair contractor for the job, you must ask the following questions.

5 Must-Ask Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Technician for AC Repair [Plano, TX]

1. Ask about Their Experience in Handling HVAC Systems

When you meet an HVAC contractor for Repair, you should first ask how long he has been working in the HVAC industry. An experienced HVAC technician has handled hundreds, if not thousands, of HVAC units, which makes him an expert in every type of cooling system and air conditioner brand.

If the repairman has been working in the HVAC industry for decades, chances are you will get a good  ac repair service, due to his skills and knowledge.

If the AC repairman has been working in the HVAC industry for decades, chances are you will get a good repair service.

On the flip side, novice HVAC technicians lack all these. However, there can be exceptions, but that number is meager. So, if the HVAC contractor has years of experience in his bag, you should move forward with him.

2. Ask the AC Repair Contractor about His HVAC License

When you hire an HVAC contractor with a license and certifications, it is almost certain that you will get the best AC unit repair because to get an HVAC license, one needs to go through many exams and have extensive knowledge of heating and air conditioning units. Besides, AC repair contractors with an HVAC license will follow the protocol and guidelines.

On the flip side, when you hire an Air conditioning repair contractor with no license or certifications, there is no guarantee that you will get the best possible service. As an air conditioning unit costs a lot, why put your cooling unit at risk?

So, before hiring an AC repair contractor, always ask whether or not he has an HVAC license.

3. Inquire about the HVAC Insurance

If the air conditioner repair contractor has an HVAC license and enough experience, the next thing you need to ask about is the HVAC insurance.

During HVAC repair, new damages can occur, or the AC repairman can get injured. In this case, if the HVAC repair company has insurance, you won’t have to pay for these. But if the AC repair company doesn’t provide insurance, you’ll have to spend money in case of additional AC damages, which will increase your total repair cost.

You may think that you are hiring the best AC repairman and everything will go fine. But, even after hiring the best of the best, accidents can happen, and you will have to be prepared for it.

Apart from the HVAC insurance, you should ask whether or not the HVAC repair company will provide any warranty. Because even when repairing your cooling unit, the AC unit may perform differently than you wanted. Here, if there is a warranty, you can go back to the company and repair the AC unit again without spending additional money. Besides, when the HVAC repair company provides warranty and insurance in their Air conditioner repair package, it indicates that they know what they are doing, and you can rely on the HVAC contractor.

4. Ask the Contractor for References

When you’re hiring AC repair contractors in Plano, TX, you cannot just rely on their words. You will have to crosscheck the information they provide and come to a conclusion. Usually, reputed AC repair companies give references that homeowners can contact to validate the provided information. If the HVAC contractor fails to provide any reference, you should consider it as a red flag and start looking for other HVAC service providers.


If you have friends and family who have recently done AC repair, you can ask them for a recommendation. Ask how the air conditioner repair went, the fees, and the required time. Also, for authentic information, you can visit Yelp or Google reviews to check comments from homeowners about HVAC companies.

5. Ask about the Fees & Payment Methods

When you’re satisfied with the answers to all the questions above, you should inquire about the repair fees and available payment methods.

If the AC repair contractor is asking significantly less than others, it’s a red flag, and you should look for someone else.

Usually, novice AC repair contractors with minimum experience offer such low fees to attract homeowners. But when you hire a novice AC repair contractor, there is no guarantee that you will get the best AC repair.

Now, if the AC repair contractor is asking for the standard rate, you should ask about the available payment methods. You should also ask whether you’ll have to pay in full in advance or

not. Usually, HVAC contractors ask for partial payment before they start their repair work, so be prepared to pay 50% or so in advance.

Frequently Asked Questions about Air Conditioner Repair

· Will AC repair increase system efficiency?

If you do the repairs on time, the efficiency of your cooling unit will remain at the optimum level.

· What is the average cost of an air conditioner repair in Plano?

Usually, it can cost you between $100 to $1000, depending on the repair type.


Never hire an AC repair contractor without asking these questions first. By asking these questions, you will have a clear view of what to expect from the contractor. If the AC repair contractor fails to answer these questions or you are unsatisfied with the answers, you should look for other AC repair contractors for your work.

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