If you thinking about taking out a health insurance plan, you may be feeling a bit confused or overwhelmed by the different options that are available. You can look online and you will find that there is so much information, which can be very hard to deduce.
However, we are here to help. Let’s take a look at some of the main queries about health cover, answering them fully for you.
Where can you have treatment?
This will depend on the plan you choose. Insurance companies will give you a list of countries where your worldwide health plan can be used.
What is the excess?
This is the amount of money you will have to put toward your care or treatment before your insurance company will pay the rest. For instance, should you choose an excess of $400, this will need to be paid for your insurance company to then cover you. The bigger your excess is the lower your premiums will end up being.
Do you need life insurance if you have health insurance?
Not taking out life insurance can be a very expensive error, so you certainly need to make sure that you get life insurance even if you get health cover. Health insurance has been created for the purpose of ensuring you have cover if anything happens and you require medical assistance. However, life insurance is about making sure your family gets the finances they need should you pass away.
Will outpatient treatments be covered?
This will depend on the degree of health cover you choose. You can select between basic cover, intermediate insurance, and comprehensive cover, with the latter covering everything from a hearing test to optical care. If you choose a basic health plan, you will only receive coverage for inpatient treatment. Outpatient treatment is covered in the majority of intermediate and comprehensive cover policies.
Will maternity and pregnancy care be covered?
You need to choose a plan that offers this type of cover if you ever plan on having children. It is vital to make sure you do not wait to choose a policy for maternity care. This is because there is a waiting period, which means you cannot make any pregnancy or maternity claims for the first nine months, so do keep this in mind.
How can I keep my premiums as low as possible?
There are a number of different ways you can reduce your premiums. Paying on a yearly basis is a good example. The majority of insurance providers will offer you a discount if you pay per annum rather than paying per month. Aside from this, make sure you compare providers with care using a comparison site.
Final words on the main queries about health insurance answered
So there you have it: everything you need to know about taking out a health insurance plan. We hope that this has answered any queries or concerns that you may have about taking out medical insurance in the near future.
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