Are you planning a big move from your current residence to your new forever family home? Perhaps you are thinking of rehoming some of your household items and furniture pieces to a nearby storage unit for safekeeping and creating more space in your home?
Whichever the reason for the move, it is always a top priority to ensure that none of your precious items and belongings get damaged throughout the process.
While most homeowners feel a bit wary of hiring moving companies to assist them, they would instead decide to take care of the heavy lifting themselves. It is highly recommended that they hire a reliable and trustworthy moving company for the big and most expensive items such as gun safes, pianos, and large cupboards and tables.

Portrait of happy delivery men carrying cardboard box and carpet outside van
The reason to hire a gun safe or piano moving company instead of moving it yourself is because these specific items are cumbersome, difficult to move, and can easily be damaged and even destroyed if not handled with proper care and careful planning.
Therefore, save yourself the trouble, effort, and stressful moments, hire experts who are trained and specialize in this sort of heavy lifting to take care of your exquisite belongings.
Here are a 5 tips on how to pack for the big move:
Do Some Stocktake
Before packing your belongings, do yourself a favor and make an effort to create a proper inventory of all items that are being packed into boxes. In addition, documenting which valuable items are being moved and taking photographs of them might come in handy should anything go sideways during the process.
Keeping notes and clear photographs of all meaningful possessions will help submit a claim with insurance companies if anything goes a little pear-shaped.
2. Find The Right Moving Boxes
If you still have some of the items in your house original boxes stored away somewhere, dig them out of your attic or basement as they will surely come in handy.
Items such as your television, paintings, and mirrors need special boxes in which they will fit perfectly. Make sure that the package is not too big as it can cause the item inside to move around while making the trip to its new home.
Carefully place items such as books and other small things that cannot break into a separate box. For example, while books cannot break, they can still obtain unnecessary damage, which will not be ideal.
3. Invest In Bubble Wrap
When planning and packing to move, bubble wrap is your best friend! Investing in decent size rolls of bubble wrap will minimize any chances of breakage, cracking, and even shattering of porcelain or glass items.
The best advice is to practically wrap everything in bubble wrap such as your television, radio, crockery, plates and cups, mirrors, painting, and all glassware. You can even wrap all of your candles in bubble wrap to prevent them from chipping or breaking.
4. Make Your Mark
Packing items is usually the fun part when it comes to moving; it is the unpacking part that many homeowners find exhausting. Therefore, pay attention to which items go in each box and mark the box by writing what is inside or in which space, such as the kitchen or dining area, the goods must go.
Listing the items or home area in which the boxes should go will make the unpacking process a lot easier for you and your family as you will not need to search through every moving box to find a spoon.
5. Upright And Away
The last tip on how to pack for a big move is to ensure that all boxes, especially ones that contain fragile items and glassware, are 100% safe, secure, and sealed upright.
In most cases, homeowners pay close attention to secure the bottom half of moving boxes so that the items inside will not come crashing down when the parcels are being transported.
However, few individuals consider the top half of the box as a hazard as the boxes will be stacked on top of each other. This is one of the biggest mistakes homeowners could make when moving. Even Though the boxes will be stacked on top of one another, there may be a slight chance of the top box breaking the bottom seal. Thus, resulting in a bit of a disaster.
Don’t make this mistake. Instead, secure both halves and draw a big, bold upright arrow on each box to show movers and anyone helping that this is the right side up.
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