The Incredibly Easy Brownie Ice Cream Cake {Guest Post by Tanya at My Fruitful Home}

Once again it’s time for something sweet!  Today we have a yummy guest post from Tanya at My Fruitful Home, and she’s got a combination of two of my favorite things: brownies and ice cream.  Yay!
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Hello,  My name is Tanya and I’m from the blog My Fruitful Home. I love blogging about simple crafts, recipes, and managing a home, I also blog about my daily struggles and joys living with a chronic illness. I love inspiring people!

Who doesn’t love brownies and vanilla ice cream? What’s even better? The two mixed together! My sister and I were visiting my grandparents’ home when we were children. One evening my grandmother decided to bake some brownies. When they cooled they began to crack severely. As she tried to cut them they continued to crumble. She had the brilliant idea of mixing the brownie crumbs with vanilla ice cream! I thought she was genius! That was one of my favorite memories of spending time in the summer with her. She had just created brownie ice cream cake!

I hadn’t had this brownie Ice cream cake since I was a teenager. Now that my kids are teenagers I wanted to make one for them. It’s quite simple and I am all about simple. When my kids tasted it they couldn’t wait to find out what I had put in it. Were they surprised when they found out that there were only two ingredients! So here we go! Are you ready for simple?

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Brownie Ice Cream Cake
1 box brownie mix (any brand)
1 half gallon container of vanilla ice cream

Make the brownies as directed on the box. I used a 9 X 13 pan.
Let brownies cool in pan.
Take a fork and turn it upside down, scraping the brownies until they start turning into crumbs.

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Continue until all the brownies are small crumbs, but not too fine.
Set the container of ice cream out for about 15 – 20 minutes. It should be a little soupy on top. If it’s still too frozen put it in the microwave on defrost for about 3 minutes.


When it’s the right consistency scoop up heaps of ice cream and put it in the pan with the brownie crumbs.
Take a large spoon and start mixing until the two are mixed well. Take the back of the spoon and smooth out the mixture.
Cover with aluminum foil and stick in freezer for at least two hours.

Cut into slices and enjoy!

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