Blogging with Advowire


As a blogger, I’m always looking for new companies to connect and work with.  Having said that, anytime the subject of blogging comes up in conversation, I am always asked how you make money doing it and how you connect with companies.  This can be a hard question to answer, especially if you are talking to someone who is unfamiliar with the concepts of blogging and online marketing.

I try my best to answer these questions, and likewise I often share blogging and advertising network information with my readers.  I’ve signed on with a few new companies in the past few months.  One of these  I’ve recently started working with is Advowire. Advowire is a part of the HireInfluence Network. The company gives bloggers the opportunity to connect with companies, and there are a number of avenues for blogger’s to make money. One of these is through sponsored posts on your blog. Another way is through your social networking sites. Advowire gives you the opportunity to make money by sharing messages on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

And apart from the opportunities they have for blogging and social advocates, you can also find opportunities for contract work, as well as part time and full time positions.

To see what they’re all about and become an influencer (or get your own company promoted through their influencers), visit



  1. I’m still debating on whether to join advowire. I just wonder if making money while tweeting is worth it. How much do they payout for tweets? Thanks 🙂

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