Hello everyone! Well, here’s my second MPM post. Just a quick note: I’ve decided to keep this feature for now, along with the other features that I introduced over the last couple of weeks. (I had a couple of other ideas I wanted to try, but I dropped them at the last second.) My goal is to try and do MPM each week, although sometimes I go out of town on weekends, so I may not always be on to do the post. Sweet Thursday posts will be up 2-3 times a month (at least once every two weeks or more frequently if I see something that strikes my fancy to post on). And the Quick Meals & Simple Tips will come out 1-2 times each per month. If anyone has any further suggestions for me, let me know. This is all subject to change, of course, but for now that is the plan.
Here’s what’s on my menu for this week:
Monday – Chicken w/ Ranch Sauce, vegetables
Tuesday – Potato Soup
Wednesday – Roast beef & gravy w/ mashed potatoes & peas
Thursday – leftovers
Friday – Mexican Chicken Casserole
Saturday – leftovers
Sunday – Tuna salad sandwiches
Check out what others have on their menus. Have a great week!
looks great, espcially the mex chicken casserole!